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"\Who is Radio Rebe?"

That question seemed to take place in the whispers of the crowd.It was obvious they were eager to know.They were holding back their curiousity as to who this "rebellious" voice was.

Was tonight really the night?

The murmurs seemed to add to the suspense as if it were the background music to an intense scene in a horror movie.

And so as I stood behind the curtains that were yet to be drawn open,I questionn myself:What am I doing?

This wasn't the girl that sat in her room three years ago alone on Friday nights studying.This wasn't the girl who three years ago couldn't even look her crush in the eye without feeling the urge to panic.This wasn't the girl who didn't have a voice to speak up.This was me.I was Radio Rebel.The voice with the power.

At that moment the curtains draw open causing the eager  crowd  to quiet and soon a murmer of gasps fills the room...

A/N:So yeah I finally posted that little short prologue thingy and yeah I hope it was okay.Thank you to @MapleLeafx for the trailer off to the side she is a really talented trailer maker so yeah do go check out her work.

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