chapter one

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hedwig woke harry up like every other morning nibbling on his ear.

except for this morning harry got to leave this hell hole to go back to hogwarts. finally after a long summer of being tortured by the dursley's he could escape back to his friends. for his 4th year at hogwarts the only thing he wasn't excited for was that he had to see draco again. harry hated him with passion i don't get it with them to the have been fighting since 1st year. you would think after 4 years they would have stopped but no. this battle between them still continues

"morning hedwig." a half awake harry says whilst stretching and getting out of bed to get ready and go. "it's finally time to go back for our 4th year." he says whilst grabbing his clothes out the wardrobe. "finally i get to leave this prison of a home to see my friends." o loud voice from downstairs shouts "HARRY YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO GO BEFORE I LOCK THE DOOR TO YOUR ROOM SO YOU CANT GET OUT!"
"i better go then come on hedwig" harry says whi,st grabbing his bags and running down stairs to the front door getting out just in time.

harry made his way to the weasleys like he always does before the new year
"hello harry nice to see you again" ron's mum says inviting him inside.
"hello mrs weasley it's great to see you again" harry says walking through the door.

after about and hour of eating drinking tea talking catching up on everything it was time for harry, hermione and ron ti head for platform 9 3/4. when they got on they separated and went to different compartments. harry went to his own one at the back so he could get some sleep. but before he could someone walked in

"draco" harry spoke in annoyance.
"all the other compartments are full so ima just sit over there" draco says pointing.
"yeah whatever i don't care" harry snarled.

fuck fuck fuck a duck side up harry thought to himself. i can't share this space with him. i wanted to be alone collect all my thoughts but no he has to come a ruin it. like can i on cry on my own please. well i guess i'm not crying at all now because draco is here. for fuck sake the only time i can let my emotions out is here on the train. when im on my own but now i can't.
"are you ok harry you seem a little of" he says with concern.
"i'm fine and why would you care anyways" he says trying to hold back the tears he's been saving for weeks.
"look harry i'm sorry for all the fighting and just me in general. i'm sorry that i've been so mean to ok. i have my reasons but i don't know how to tell you but i promise when i do i'll tell you ok. please can we just be friends or something because i don't know about you but i'm tired of all this fighting" he says with a apologetic look on his face.
"it's ok draco you don't need to apologise. i should be the one apologising for the way i treated you and also i would like to be friends." he says with a smile
"well it's ok and also um glad you want to be friends. wanna play truth or dare?" he asked with a smile on his face.
"yeah sure why not you can go first" he reply's shrugging his shoulders
"ok truth or dare"
"ummm truth"
"ummm uh ah ok do you have a crush on anyone?"
"ummm yes" he says as he looks down
"ooooo who spill" he says sitting up straight
"ermmm my go truth or dare." he says avoiding the question.
"ermmm truth"
"ok umm do you have a crush"
"yeah" he says with a smile
"ok your go again"
"hang on one sec let me put a privacy spell in the compartment" he waved his wand around and says the word (i can't remember the words so don't come at me ok)
"ok done so harry truth or dare"
"i'll pick truth again"
"ok so harry potter who is the lucky one that your crushing on"

oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck that was all that was going through harry's head oh and that he wanted to say a lie but for some reason the name he wanted to say didn't come out instead it was
" you..." he says in a whisper.
"umm oh didn't expect that"
" wait what the fuck i wanted to say somthing else"
"oh yeah the wizerding game of truth and dare doesn't let you lies
"why didn't you tell me that first"
"i thought you knew i'm sorry" he says with yet again another apologetic look on his face.
"it's ok draco" he says looking at the floor

draco gets up and walks over to harry and lifts his chin up and kisses him (yeah sorry i couldn't go longer then that without introducing drarry what can i say i have no patience)

"i like you to" the tall white haired boy says
"one second let me get this straight so the boy who hated me ever since we met actually likes me well isn't that shocking" harry stand up and pulls all the blinds down.
"i suppose it is" he says slowly walking towards harry.
"we have about another hour till we get there i wonder how we can spend the time" he says with i cheeky grin.
"so do i potter so do i" he says lifting harry up and pushing him against the door.

authors note:
tbh idc if you like this or not i'm just bored so yeah ill probably update this tonight when i'm ament to be asleep but yeah tell me what you think

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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