Part Ten

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Asahi POV

'Ok so first I was family zoned now I'm friend zone. Did I just move back from my goal...ughhhh what is life' I thought as I walked downstairs to open the door.

Once I got downstairs and opened the door I saw the team there. "Hey Asahi" Daichi said with a soft smile, "Hey guys" Asahi said smiling back as he stepped aside to let them in.


"You have a nice house Asahi-san" Kageyama complemented as they walked in, "Thanks" Asahi smiled shyly, Suga put a hand on his shoulder "You haven't done anything to Hinata have you" Suga said motherly dark aura coming from him.

"N...No" Asahi shyly replied, the aura vanished, "Good" Suga smiles 'Scary' the team thought. "Where's Hinata" Kageyama asked, "He's in his room. I'll just show you" Asahi said as he lead them to Hinata's room.

Once they made it they open the door to see Hinata reaching for the remote which seem to have fallen again. Asahi sigh catching Hinata's attention. Hinata smiled sheepishly.

"I told you to just ask next time." Asahi said as he grabbed the remote and handed it Hinata, "Thanks Asa-nii" Hinata said with a smile. The others snickered at Asahi's despair

"Dude you just got family zone" Noya whispered to him while chuckling. Asahi went to find a conner to sulk in while they talk to Hinata. "So how've you been" Suga asked "Great, Asahi's family is so nice" Hinata smiled

"Asahi hasn't try anything has he" Daichi asked, Asahi froze and began sweating uncontrollably. "What do you mean" Hinata asked tilting his head to the side with a confused look.

'So cute and pure' the team thought as they blushed at Hinata, "Did he try to make a pass at you shrimpy" Tsukkishima asked, Hinata still did understand.

"Ok did he try to kiss you or anything" Noya asked, while not know Asahi is dying on embarrassment. Hinata had a taint blush and shook his head no, 'I knew Asahi was to shy to make a move' Daichi thought as the team sighed in the relief.

"But" that one but had the whole team on edge, and had Asahi scared to look at the team "He said that he didn't want to be family but wanted to be family just not siblings and he was really close to my face. What's that mean" Hinata asked tilting his head to the side.,

'Well this is the night I die' Asahi thought, then he acted as if a light bolt was lit over his head and tried sneaking at the orange tangerine room until someone grabbed the collar of his shirt.

He looked to see Suga with a very unhappy aura as he looked at Asahi before turning to Hinata with a smile. Asahi tried to escaped but Suga seemed to strong. "It means nothing sweetie. How about you talk to the others. Me and Daichi need to talk to Asahi" Suga said as he dragged Asahi out the room by the collar of his shirt Daichi following behind him closing the door.

"Is he gonna be ok" Hinata asked as he look at the door, "Probably not" Tanaka said as he looked at the door as well. "Anyway how long do you think you won't be able to play volleyball" Kageyama asked, "The doctor said for 2 weeks. It's a really bummer" Hinata pouted cutely.

'BOKE WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME' Kageyama yelled in his mind 'Shit keep making that face and you'll be my dinner' Tsukkishima thought as unholy things went through his mind.

"You look cute when you pout" Yamaguchi said chuckling lightly causing Hinata to blush, 'I CAN'T BELIVE HE ACTUALLY HAD THE COURAGE TO SAY THAT' The others thought with a shocked face.

"Th..Thanks, but please don't tell lies" Hinata said with his face a flames. But his words made them frown "But you really are cute, I'm not lying" Yamaguchi said giving him a small smile.

Hinata blushed deepen, "Aww come on don't tell me that got you flustered now" Yamaguchi smirked while giving him a wink. Hinata face rivaled a tomato at this point and his ears where blowing out hot steam.

'You sly bastard' they all thought looking at Yamaguchi, who just returned them with a smirk, 'It's alway the nice ones' They thought again.

"Yamaguchi you sly dog" Tanaka mumbled under his breath, "Upped by my own best friend" Tsukkishima also mumbled, soon Suga and Daichi came back in with 'friendly' smiles.

"Umm where's Asa-nii" Hinata asked innocently, "Oh, he said he had to use the bathroom." Suga said laughing nervously.

'What a bad liar' everyone minus Hinata thought, "Oh ok" Hinata said with a small smile, 'HE BELIEVED THAT' the rest thought as they deadpan.

"Anyway, I can't wait for you to get well that way he can go out and eat a bunch of meat buns" Noya said with a cheeky grin to which Hinata smiled.

"Yeah" Hinata replied back, they continued to talk and laugh about things, until it was time for them to go, "We'll come back tomorrow. I promise" Daichi said as he ruffled Hinata's hair.

Hinata smiled and nodded, they left the room saying their byes. Hinata sat in the bed looking out the window, 'Does this really mean I'm free. I can be happy now with consequences.' He thought to himself with a smile on before his eyes began getting droopy and he closed them and fell into a deep sleep.

"Hey Sorry I-" Asahi had entered the room but seeing Hinata sleep he chuckled as the boy laid on the bed without the cover fully on.

He went up and pulled the cover all the way up to Hinata's neck, "Sleep well, Shoyou" he said as he ruffled the sleeping boy's head before leaving going to his own room and laying down. He looked at his ceiling and smiled. Before closing his eyes let out a small sigh before falling asleep him self.

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