Chapter 3- Not Felling Well

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Smiledog sits beside me as I play my video games. I lay on my stomach while beating the sh!t out of Princess Peach in Mario Cart.
"Dumbass princess." I mummer. My door creeps open and I assume it's EJ or Masky.
"what's up?" Says that f*cking familiar voice. It's no other than Jeff.
He glances at the dog lying beside me.
"God, I was looking for Smile everywhere! He seems to like you BEN."
I shrug at that. I'm too concentrated on keeping my high score for the game.
"I was gonna take Smiledog out for a walk...umm...wanna come with me?"
I pause the game and nod. I needed a little fresh air. Besides, it was with Jeff so....
"AHH-CHOO-" I sneeze like a dinosaur once again. My eyes water a little bit. Well, they water with black liquid. Yesh, I'm weird.
Jeff puts his arm around me. "you okay?"
I tell him I'm fine, since it's probably only a little cold, and we head downstairs to get ready to go outside. I get my shoes on while Jeff looks at me in concern. I return him a confused look. Why is he staring at me? Am I that ugly?
"BEN... You don't look so good. I mean, you look kinda sick. Are you sure your okay?"
I'm about to tell him I'm completely fine, but I suddenly feel a wave of nausea wash over me. Im about to fall over when my friend catches me. He puts his hand on my forehead.
"Woah, your head is burning! Ya BEN, you're defiantly sick. Come on, I can give you some medicine upstairs."
I now remember I didn't take that cough syrup last night. Whoops. I was to busy doing other things...
I suddenly feel something grab my waist. Jeff carries me up the stairs bridal style, and I feel my face go hot in an instant.
"Dude, you're face is red, you're really not feeling good are you?"
Well, I guess I could now blame blushing on sickness. Maybe I should write that down...
The killer puts me down when we get to the bathroom, and he reaches into the cabinet to get the medicine. Jeff suddenly pauses and looks confused.
"huh, there is a blade in here. I had a feeling Nina had been cutting herself."
It's true, Nina did self harm sometimes, so that's why the blade was there. I just kept quiet. I wouldn't never tell Jeff that I hurt myself- even tho he is my best friend.
Jeff pours the medicine in a small cup and hands it too me. I grab it, but at the same time feel embarrassed that he has to do that for me.
"I could of done it myself you know..." I say quietly.
"Haha, I know, but you're sick so I thought I'd help you." He does that cute smirk of his. I think it's cute, don't f*cking judge.
"I'm not that sick." Then my head starts throbbing. I drop the cup half full of medicine as I hold my head in pain.
Jeff bites his lip as he grabs my arm.
"You need to rest." He says sounding worried.
I would of said no, since he's treating me like a baby, but in fact... I am kinda tired, and my head hurts to much. Jeff picks me up again- bridal style of course- and carries me to my room. He lays me on my bed before closing my bedroom door. As my head gently rests on my fluffy pillow, my head starts to feel better.
Jeff sits at my bedside. He watches me with curious eyes.
"what?" I ask.
"Nothing, you just look so..." He smiles gently. I look at him, confused.
"Never Mind." He concludes before turning away. "Anyway, get some sleep Benny, we can go for that walk tomorrow or whatever." He glances at me one more time before leaving the room.

Jeff's P.O.V
BEN looks adorable when he's tired. Haha, just being honest. I think he needs more sleep, instead of playing video games. The more sleep he gets, the cuter he looks.
Did I tell you I think BEN is cute?
God, I'm going crazy. I thought I just had a small crush on him. The more and more time I spend with him, the more I get....attracted to him....
Maybe I should just spend less time with him. Then if this is a damn phase, it will pass.

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