Chapter one:the Start

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As the city falls apart slowly, fires blazing out the side of the buildings.People screaming for there lives as sirens can be heard from the abandoned police cruisers. Then as a child runs behind a car a black tail of a creature can be seen in the distance ,she then tries to run behind another car as she looks at a opening of a entrance then running inside it,she calmly breathes in and out.then slime comes down from the ceiling and falls on her cheek as she looks up to see millions of alien xenomorphs,then a hissing sounds comes from behind the girl as the doors close behind her and all can be heard is the screams in the distance.Then a man wakes up at camp sight he then looks around as he seems to be alone his skin dark Brown ,the man would stand and say to himself,
"Still alone Darrell all a Dream" as he stood up he hears a noise in the distance,as he looks he sees a man closing a door behind him from a gas station as he holds it close.Darrell would noticed the Alien Xenomorph on top crawl down toward him,then Darrell would quick draw his rifle and aims as the Xenomorph would get closer to him,then a gun shot can be heard  as the xenomorph head is open.Then it falls down right after that Darrell would grab the chair and slide down the hill as he would reach the end he land on his feet and place a chair under the handle to restrain movement of the door then nodding at the guy for him to follow him.then they both start to run up the hill meeting at the camp.Then the man Darrell just saved would say,
"thanks name is Jesus" Darrell would chuckle and say
"my lord and savior"
Jesus would reply saying,
"says you your the one who saved me" Darrell would reply saying,
"i been alone for to long guess i need some company" then a screeching noise can be heard from the building as they crawl on top of it then Jesus and Darrell look at each other and both nodded to each and take off but before they left they make sure to take some food and supplies then leaving as they made it to a car and Darrell hops into driver seat as Jesus sat in shotgun then Darrell would take out the keys and rev the engine as i starts on the second try.As they drove away a face hugger would leap at the window trying to jump on Jesus then one of the windshield as Darrell would panic and turn the car as it head off a cliff into the lake below.

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