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Disclaimer cover isn't mine ✌🏼 

So this is my first story so don't be mad at me for being a crappy writer.I take anything encouragement ,discouragement ,negative, and positive. Anything that will help me become better . So yeah . But that's not the point. I was tagged by    DarkShadow327. Don't know the rules or anything soooo . Bleh . I am such a boring writer .Sheesh.

1.bday September 4th

2. I have black hair

3. Brown eyes 👀 the normal .

4 .Asian 

5.ummmm straight✌🏼but I support 🏳️‍🌈 lgbt


7 . Single as a Pringle and me being my sad derpy self has never been on a date

8. favorite food/drink is obviously boba

9. I would describe myself as annoying fly that always floats around you or a couch potato either one

10.age I ain't telling you that !     

It's not polite to ask .You know those times when you are being a hypocrite yeah that's me right now .I'm not the best.I was planning something to make it sound like a real convo you know? But as soon as I look at the screen my minds go blank. Any one else like this ? Now where was I ...... ah yes

11. My hope to be one day job is a therapist so ....... yeah.

12. Battery percentage 🔋is 42%

13. Me being a basic berry loves the color 🔵⚫️ Me also being to lazy to write it out

14.My favorite animal is a panda 

15. I don't really keep up with the world  and  therefore don't have a celebrity crush

16. This is unnecessary I'm doing this cause I like even numbers but my lucky number is 4

People I am tagging is




Super sorry 

Super sorry please forgive me  . As you all know this is my 1st book so I am okay with any positive and negative comments  now I must be off.

~ Elliot signings out

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