3. Empty Seat

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Harry's POV

As my dark green eyes met a set of crystal blue ones that were worn by a petite boy.

A boy that I've not yet seen before.

He was wearing a sweater that swallowed him whole only making him even smaller. Watching as he hits the floor I mentally scold myself for not helping. I hear a soft "Sorry" come from him, almost not audible. Who knew that even as quiet as this boy was, that one word could echo through my ears.

I watch as he quickly draws his eyes from mine looking back toward the floor scrambling for his items. So fast that I didn't even have time myself to crouch down to help. Then in an instant, he was gone.

Like he had not just been in front of me.

Unnoticed, I gave myself way to much time to comprehend what just happened only to be brought back from my thoughts by the voice of my mate trying to get my attention. The attention I didn't even know was taken from him.

"Harold! Mate, you good?" Niall asked me while giving me a face that was laced with confusion and holding a small smirk along with it.

"Just taken back is all," I answer his question while asking one of my own. "Do you know who that was? You know, the boy?"

"Oh, that's Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson. Kinda a weird one if you ask me." he gives his opinion as I turn my head toward the direction he went off in.

"Hm. Let's just get to class. Yeah?" I give him a small nod of my head and turn myself to look back at Niall.

Next thing I know I am sitting in one of the school's crummy chairs near the back of the room sharing a desk with another empty seat which is usually filled by Liam. I knew this was going to be a long-ass period without the lad.

Taking a new piece of paper out of my bookbag setting it on my table just as my professor walks in. Not ready for the rest of the day to fold out I lay my head down hearing my teacher begin to talk.

I just want to go home.

Well, that was until I heard the classroom door open slowly and the same petite boy from earlier come walking in shyly with damp hair. Taking a notice at the new shoes I see him make his way into the room with eyes gazing for what I'm assuming is a desk to sit it.

As I take a look around I notice that the only possible seat for him to obtain would be next to me. Wondering if he will take the empty chair next to me I turn my head back to the front of the room only to hear shuffling next to me.

Looking to my right there is Louis Tomlinson with his damp hair and lavender sweater taking a seat next to me.


Louis POV

Making my way to the school's locker room in hopes that I have left my spare shoes I heard the second bell go off indicating that class had begun.

I swing my locker open after struggling with the lock a bit to be greeted by what I've come for.

My shoes.

I quickly change my shoes out as I place the drenched pain in my locker while stuffing my soaked socks inside them making sure I come back for them at the end of the day. I take a quick look at my hair in the small mirror on the wall of the room showing the damage done to my hair. I shake my head as I was out of the odor filled the room making my way to the classroom.

As I walk to approach the room I can hear the teacher's voice making its way through my ears. I enter the classroom slowly and silently trying not to draw any attention to my appearance.

I take a look up peering through the classroom seeing my usual seat is occupied by someone I've never seen before. Instead of confronting this person, I continue to gaze around the small room for an open seat one catching my eye.

Sharing the desk next to the seat was no other than Styles. I see Harry Styles as who I dream to be. From his great personality to his handsome looks. Someone I admire to be, always have.

I quietly make my way to the empty seat, setting my books down while taking my bad off and taking a seat. I refuse to look up. I couldn't tell you if it was out of embarrassment or the fact that I was next to Harry Styles.

Lost in my thoughts I am brought out of them by a voice that almost came unknown. He has never talked to me before. There was never a reason for him too.

"Sorry about earlier. Bumping into you I mean. My fault really wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I look up to see the same green eyes I saw earlier looking at me. Listening to what Harry was saying I couldn't help but form a small smile and reply with an "It's just as my fault as it is yours. It's alright."

Looking back toward the front of the room I pull the sleeves of my sweater over my knuckles bringing me more comfort I knew today will be longer than I wanted it to be.

Something I dread.

A/N: Chapter 3!!! Thank you so much for reading. This chapter is much larger and I hope you love it. Remeber to vote and comment :) -Chelsea A.

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