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Am I not good enough for anyone anymore?

My friends leave.
I mean it's nothing new, but it still hurts. We stop talking; pretending like we don't know who the other person has a crush on, pretend to forget the mistakes we know the other had made. We act like it never happened and publicly only remember what broke our friendship apart, not the times where we laughed so hard we cried.

The friends that I have left?
They're always asking about someone else. Where's she? How about him? What happened to her? Is my company that unwelcoming? Am I that terrible of a person that no matter who I hang out with, they're always asking for someone else? You always welcomed my hugs more than you welcomed hers. You seemed to have more fun with me then you ever did her. So why now that you and I do something without her it's not good enough without her so you quit?

I don't understand. The people I say are always there for me aren't. Especially my "best friends", he's always to busy with his girlfriend and she's just too busy with her own struggles.

They don't care like they once did. We used to talk with each other. We would share our troubles, nervousness, and happiness. But what happened?

Because I don't know.

Where did it all go wrong?

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