Teenfiction Entries

77 7 0

Judged by svyerii :

1. You and I by ChenzyO

2. Salutatorian Wars by JustNicole0001

3. Wrecked by think_swirl

4. Lethal Ways Not To Kill Yourself by DocileFiasco

5. The Asian Clique by RecycleVin


Judged by svyerii:

1. Under The New York Sky by SweetnessInTheSalt

2. My Imperfectly Perfect World by wrytainmakin

3. Golden Pear by Witto150

4. That Black Woman by Stellanread

5. Wherever You Go by SumitJena2099


Judged by svyerii:

1. The Lies We Share by ckwritten236

2. Beautiful Chaos by jes_uba123

3. Kisses and Soccer by Bellacatella

4. The Thirteenth Team by doratheexplorabc


Best of luck!

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