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Levi was very excited. His week had been exhausting, a flurry of, slow, tedious activity. But it was finally over with; everything he owned was neatly stowed away in boxes that were all labeled and he was set to meet Eren at their new apartment in two hours. Everything was going according to plan.

Or at least it would be, if the drive to their new apartment didn't take 2 hours alone, and if Levi weren't still asleep.


Levi rolled over in his bed, groaning as he stretched out his hand to hit the snooze button on his alarm. He yawned and scrunched up his blankets. He felt peaceful and at ease for about 3 seconds until he glanced over at the clock.


"Shit!" He threw his covers off and stumbled through the maze of stacked boxes, towards the bathroom. He found his way to the bathroom, cussing wildly and turned on the shower. He stripped quickly and hopped in the shower, hissing as the hot water droplets touched his sleepy skin. He tried to wash himself quickly but thoroughly, he hated to be dirty. Once he was finished he hustled back through the box maze and into his bedroom where he'd laid out clothes the night before.

He was so late, Eren was going to kill him. He'd have to get breakfast on the way there, all his kitchen appliances were in boxes and the only thing left in his fridge was a mostly empty bottle of apple juice. He grabbed his wallet and did a mental pat down before running out the door.

"Oh Levi honey, Good morning!" Levi waved at his elderly neighbour but didn't slow down.

"Sorry, I'm running late," He pulled his garage clicker out of his wallet and clicked the open button. He ducked under the door while it was opening and grabbed the handlebars of his Harley and swung his leg over it. He started the bike and rode out, slowing down a bit to close the garage again.

He revved the engine and couldn't help but smile when he felt the wind start to pick up. Eren hated his bike, she constantly complained about how dangerous it was and refused to ride on it with him. Even his mom had asked him to get rid of it or at the very least ride it less.

But Levi couldn't help it, he loved riding it. The perpetual thought that he could be moments away from a crash filled him with adrenaline the same way making an arrest, or confronting an armed suspect did. It was like a drug and Levi was a hardcore addict.

He spotted a sign for a breakfast place with a drive-through and made a sharp turn. He picked up a coffee and muffin and took a ten minute break to eat in the parking lot. He tossed out his garbage and hit the road again. He drove quickly, and to be honest, recklessly. Shot through a few red lights, stop signs and even forgot his turn signals at a few points. But he was almost there; only a few blocks away.

He could see Eren impatiently bouncing around in the parking lot and his head immediately started to ache in anticipation of the lecture she was going to give him. He pulled into the parking lot and parked his motorcycle in an empty spot.

"Levi!" Eren ran over and tackled him in a hug. Just as fast as she'd embraced him, she pulled away and shook him. "Where have you been? You were supposed to be here forever ago!" She yelled. Levi shrugged her hands off and unstrapped his helmet.

"I woke up late," He got off of his bike and started off towards the apartment building. Eren bounced along beside him still chewing him out for being late.

"You never sleep in, didn't you set an alarm?" She asked. Levi opened the doors to the building and held them for Eren.

"I set it but I was so tired from packing last night that I slept right through it, I'm sorry," She grabbed his hand.

"It's okay, but if you still had so much packing left to do you could've called me over to help. I wasn't doing anything last night," The two of them crossed the lobby and stepped into the elevator where Eren eagerly pushed the button.

"I didn't want to bother you so late, and you know I like to pack a specific way," The elevator dinged and they emerged into the hallway. "What number was it again? 3 or 4?"

"4, it has a great view cause it's almost on the tippy-top of the building," She replied.

"Right," They walked down the hall and found the the door to their new apartment. Levi was nervous. They'd seen the place before but now it felt so real. He was actually moving in with Eren. He fished the key out of his back pocket and unlocked the door. Eren let go of his hand and skipped through the door.

"It's as perfect as I remember," She sighed. "I have a few boxes in my car for us to bring in and I figured we could at least make one more trip back to my house for more before our dinner with your family tonight,"

They lingered in the doorway for a moment then Eren tugged Levi's my sleeve, to pull him back out to the car. He took her hand and pulled her up against his chest. They took a moment to lock eyes and smile, and then Levi leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to her lips.

Their perfect moment ended quickly and they went back out to the car to unload boxes.


"Whew, that's at least half of the stuff from my place. We can grab the other stuff tomorrow, and then we can start moving in your stuff," She hugged him. "For now I think we should go back to my place and get ready for dinner. I still have soap in the shower over there and I labeled the box with my hair and makeup stuff," Levi nodded and they took Eren's car back to her apartment.

"I'll shower first," Levi took a step towards the bathroom, but Eren grabbed his wrist, her cold hands sent a shiver down his spine.

"Or, we could....," She giggled, without finishing her sentence. She took Levi's arm and he begrudgingly followed her to the bathroom, confused about why she was so giggly. She turned her back to him and started taking off her shirt and a small smile tugged at Levi's lips. His hands found their way to her waist and she slipped out of his grasp and stepped into the shower. The water began to run and a smile fully broke out on Levi's face.


Levi dried himself off and, dropped his now damp towel in the laundry hamper beside him. Eren was off in her bedroom, getting dressed and Levi had taken the bathroom to get ready. He reached into the duffle bag he'd brought with him, full of his clothes and cologne. He reached around inside and realized that he'd forgotten his clothes back at his apartment. He cursed under his breath and left the bathroom.

"Eren! I left my stuff for tonight back at my apartment, I have to go get it," He yelled, grabbing his keys.

"Okay, hurry back!" He threw on his coat and slipped on his running shoes. He jogged out the door and grabbed his bike from the parking garage. He speed down the streets back to his packed up apartment. He parked and ran up the stairs. He opened his door and stumbled through the awkward box maze that was his place. He turned a corner and slammed into a box stack sending him tumbling down to the ground along with the stack. He instinctively put his hands out in front of himself to catch himself as he fell. He hit the ground and a few boxes fell on top of him. A few books hit the ground one of them caught Levi's eye.

It was an old fashioned picture book, full of photos of the Ackerman family. The photo the book was open to a picture Levi had never seen before. In the picture a smiling dark haired man sat in the living room of Levi's childhood home holding a frowning baby Levi. He flipped the page over looking for the tag that was on all of the other pictures, stating the people and place but he couldn't find one. Who the heck was this guy?

Levi threw the book down in frustration and buried his face in his hands. He picked the book back up and closed it. He had dinner with his mom tonight, he could ask her who the man was. Curiosity burned away at him and he prayed his mom would know who the man in the picture was.

Sleepy Roses {An Attack on Titan Fanfiction}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя