Chapter 12

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"Did you say it was Shigure that called?" Tohru nodded. "What did he say?" Yuki asked her. She answered, "He's at the hospital. Akito attacked Akira." Shocked covered their faces. 'How could Akito attack his own sister?' Yuki wondered while, 'Why didn't she stop him? She's strong enough.' ran through Kyo's head. Tohru broke the silence. "Shigure will be here to pick us up in an hour or two." "Alright." "Okay."

--End of Recap---

Akira was lying on the couch watching television. She had spent six days in the hospital and had got home yesterday. The doctor had told her not to move around very must for the next week. She still planned to go to school this week thou.

Just then Shigure came happily dashing into the living room.

"We're going out today. All of us." Tohru peered out for the kitchen while Yuki looked at his from the table. Kyo walked in the door at just the right moment to hear Shigure's statement. Tohru smiled,

"That sounds wonderful!"

"Where are we going?" was Yuki's question.

"Just out to eat and for a trip around town, you know get some fresh air." Akira rolled over on the couch. She knew she couldn't go.

"Why the long face Akira?"

"You know why Shigure. I can't go with you."

"Oh that's right. I guess we aren't going then sorry." Akira rolled back over to face him.

"No, you guys go on with out me. I'll be fine."

"Alright then everyone get ready." Yuki and Tohru headed up the stairs. Kyo sat on a chair in the living room.

"Aren't you going to get ready Kyo?"

"I'm not leaving her here alone. Every time she is left alone she always gets hurt. I'll stay and watch the house and Akira."

"Suit yourself."

They had been gone for about half an hour and Akira heard a growl. She jumped and then realized it was her stomach. Then a growl echoed hers. She wasn't the only one hungry. As if on cue, Kyo got up and head toward the kitchen.

Kyo went into the kitchen, looking for something they could eat.

"Hey Akira, I found some......" he trailed off as he peeked into the living room. The couch was empty.

"Great. I take my eyes off her for one second and she vanishes." he said as he turned toward the stairs. There she was. Slowly but surely making her way up the stairs. "What are you doing you idiot?"

"I'll idiot you in a minute." Akira teased him back as she felt something touch her arm. She looked to her left and saw Kyo put her arm around his neck before she knew it, he had scooped her up bridal-style and was heading up the stairs. Akira looked to the top of the stairs, trying to avoid Kyo's eye, because she was blushing. But if she had looked, she would have seen Kyo with small traces of pink on his cheeks, too.

"Where were you headed?" Kyo asked Akira.

"I wanted something out of my room." she stated back. As they reached the top of the stairs and reached Akira's room, Kyo set Akira down of her feet. It took Akira a second to regain her footing. She was a little shaking; but she managed to walk down the hallway to her room, Kyo right behind her. She opened the door and over to her dresser, toward something that was sitting on the top of her dresser. They were little boxes. She looked through the name tags and picked four of them off her dresser, before headed back toward the stairs. When they got to the bottom Akira walked over and put all the box on the table, before handing on to Kyo. He opened it.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Kyo." Kyo pulled out one of the chocolates and threw it in his mouth before saying,


"You're welcome." Akira answered. The two were standing inches apart and looking at each other. The two of them didn't notice they were getting closer together until their lips met, and the two kissed.

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