Chapter Seven: Home

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They stepped out of the fire place. The construction of it took up over a third of the wall. Clearly meant for travel and not for cooking. The room they stepped inside was dark. The floor was covered in soot. The walls were bare with pealing green grey wallpaper.

Lucius held onto the girl. Carrying her bridal style. He didn't wait around. Heading straight to the door. He turned around only once to see Bartemius still lingering by the fire place. "Bartemius, please." There was a twinge of fear in his voice. "He likes you more." He looked back at the door.

It was true. The Dark Lord had his moments. But he'd seen how he treated Lucius. For a pure blood wizard. Lucius was a pansy. He was all peacock and no talon. He acted like the star of the show. A shining beacon of a Noble Bloodline. But in the end. He was as scared as everyone who Bartemius knew would fail the dark long in the end. He was spineless. And he groveled.
Despite this, the Dark Lord saw him as useful.

Bartemius walked infront of Lucius and opened the door. Fully walking through into the main halls of Riddle Manor. As he expected. The house was packed already. Witches and wizards from pure blood lines littered the halls and rooms. They came from all walks of life. From powerful ministry officials. To craftsman in brooms and wands. To philosophers. Alchemists. Potions masters. Charms experts. And those who studied the Mystery's of magic. All here for one purpose.

They all felt oppressed by the system they were forced to live under. And one man promissed them freedom from it. They swore loyalty to him. And to the ideals of a new future. A future free of blood traitors and muggles. Where they were allowed to be themselves. Not hiding in the walls like rats. Not forced to bow to a system that did not put them first. One where they ruled, and were free.

They stood outside the great hall's doors. Beyond this were his council. The ones who have proven themselves worthy through the most rigorous trials. Bartemius envied them. He wanted to prove himself worthy. He wanted to sit by the Dark Lords side. Lucius shifted nervously. And the door's opened.

The light from the fire place burned a brilliant constant green. Illuminating the three of them. The room was much different then the one they came from. Along with being lit by the fire. The walls were covered in book shelves. Floor to ceiling. Full of books, odd trinkets, crystals and bones. Vines grew from seemingly nowhere. Hanging from shelves and off the ceiling. On the ground, there were plush chairs and couches in library style around the room. On the right there was a twisted staircase that lead to a room. And in the far left corner. A large window covered by a curtain.

But as nice as this room was. There were here from what sat before them. The hooded figure whispered something to the person who lounged beside him on the middle couch. The mess of brown curles laughed excitedly and jumped up. Retreating to a couch where a red haired man welcomed her into his arms.

"Lucius, welcome!" The hooded figure spoke to them. "And why, Bartemius, what a pleasant surprise. I thought you were with your.." he paused. "Guardian. This weekend." He held out his arms in welcome. Beckoning them forward. Bartemius rushed forward. Bowing as he got closer. "My Lord. We.. have a gift." He said. Manic eyes looking up as Lucius came forward.

"Actually my Lord... This girl is wounded... She was at the Ministry. Something bad happened but she won't tell us. She needs to see a healer..." Lucius stammered out. Unveiling the girl from his robes. Setting her down on the carpet below before stepping back. Bowing in the process.

The Dark Lord stood quickly. Lowering his hood. Underneath was simply a man. His hair was long. A dark brown. Showing age of silver streaks throughout it. Hidden under small round specticals were ice blue eyes. As if he had shaped them from precous sapphires. And they showed emotion, concern, for the package the boys had brought him.

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