Ch.3 New Faces

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As the smoke disappeared from the barrel of his gun Y/n stood there silent the 3 watched as 2 more infected rushed him from behind only to be shot down before they got close.
Tess:nice shot kid
He didn't say anything he just stared at them.
Tess: You got a name?
He still didn't say anything
Joel:he's not saying anything let's just keep going he can handle himself.
Tess:we can just leave a kid on his own.
Joel:he can handle himself.
Just then more infected could be heard running towards the 4 hungry for flesh.
Ellie:enough arguing we need to get the hell outta here now.
Joel:up there we can climb up
Joel went to the wall so he could boost Ellie and Tess when it was your turn you just ignored Joel and ran up the wall some then grabbed the ledge that's how you always did it.
Joel:well dam
Tess reached down to get Joel just as the infected appeared trying to get Joel.
Ellie:so where to now.
Tess:we need to keep going to the meet up point.
Ellie:what about him.
She was talking about you.
Joel:he ain't our concern so let's move.
You still hadn't talked yet you stayed quite and jumped down prepared to leave the little group.just then a couple infected came out the building and ran at you.
You cut the head clean off of one with you knife another ran at you but you kicked it back and shot it's head clean off with your gun.joel jumped down and beat one over the head with a wooden plank killing it but breaking the plank in the process.only 3 more infected left you ran at one and tackled it to the ground and stabbed it another one ran at you but you threw the knife right into it's head instantly killing it.joel finished off  last one so Ellie and Tess could safely come down.
Joel:it's clear.
Tess and Ellie jumped down and regroup with Y/n and Joel.
Ellie:wow your so fucking cool
Ellie was talking about Y/n he just stood there silently
Ellie:are you not gonna say anything?can you even talk.
Joel:enough with the questions lets keeping going. Hey kid if you want you can come with us.
You nodded slightly
Tess:alright then it's settled let's get a move on.
With that you were on your way to god knows where but you didn't care you just wanted to have some company for a while.
Ellie kept trying to make conversation with you but you never said anything. many infected have you killed.
You just gave a look like really she instantly regretted asking that but still tryed to make you talk.
Joel:look up ahead we can cut through here.
Joel had spotted a garage door that led to a building you could go through to make the trip shorter you help him open up the gate but heard the sounds of infected coming.
Joel:shit we gotta move NOW!!
You and Joel lifted the gate so the girls could get under.
Joel alright you go go go!!
You rushed under the gate so you could hold it for Joel it was heavy but you could hold it up he barely made it under with a infected holding his leg you dropped the door which cut it off.
Ellie:hey you got something on your foot.
He kicked the foot off and kept going through what looks like a museum or something.
You found a weapons bench you could use to tweak your weapons you had found some gun parts you could use.
Increased the damage to your pistol and you sharpened your knife.after that you followed Joel through the first floor of the museum and got separated from Tess and Ellie you and Joel made your way past some clickers up the stairs and met back up with the girls you pushed the infected off Tess and stomped it's head in then found Ellie and stabbed the one grabbing her in the head.
Tess:thanks kid.
You waved it off and kept going you made it to the top of the museum and some infected heard you and started coming towards you.
Joel:we can't catch a break can we
They were surprised you had talked just as the infected got close enough you shot one right in the eye then another and another dropped one by one from your cut another one in the throat and it fell and died.
Tess:c'mon we can get to the roof from that fire escape.
Joel:alright let's get a move on then
You followed behind them as you made it to the roof.
Tess:now if we can get to that building there the capital building is right down the street.
Ellie:ok let's go
Joel found a plank we could use to get across the building we all crossed and made our way to the next building.
                             Y/n POV
We made it to the capital building and found the firefly's dead Tess went to searching their body's.
Tess:no no no no
Joel:what are you doing
He got louder
He got even louder
She looked over to Ellie and started asking about the lab
Ellie:she just said it was somewhere out west
Tess:Joel you have to get this girl to tommy's he'll know where to go
Joel:no way to that was your crusade not mine I am not doing that.
Tess:c'mon Joel there's gotta be enough here for you to feel some obligation to me.
Ellie:oh my god she's infected
Everyone was surprised by this
Joel:what?lemme see
Tess:our luck had to run out sometime right?
Joel:Tess let me see it
She showed us her bite it was already worse spreading all over here neck.
Tess:I got bitten an hour ago and it's already worse then her bite you have to do this Joel.
Then a bunch of soilders pulled up in a truck and started coming towards us.
Tess:I can buy you sometime but you have to run
Joel:I can fight
Tess pushed him back
Tess:no get her to tommy's
She then looked at me.
Tess:Please kid help him get her to tommy's please
Tess:tell me your name before you go
I looked down then back at her
Y/n:it's Y/n
We started running to a door not looking back we heard the gunshots but we kept going until we made it upstairs and saw Tess dead on the ground.
Ellie:oh no Tess
Joel:keep moving
We ran and jumped to another building and made our way around to the exit and ran for the subway.

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