Plot Ideas

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1. Person falls in love with a voice in their head

2. Person has always been able to communicate with animals so they joined their local Alaskan Sled Team with their dog(s). A few days later they find another who can also communicate with animals.

3. Person A is a city kid, born and raised in the big city. One day they wonder off to the forest meeting Person B. Person B was born and raised in the forest along with a long bloodline of their family. Person B has well adapted to the forest life with no tv or internet and with the wildlife so they decide to show Person A what its like to live in the wild. Then its A's turn.

4. Person A is the local rebel and leader of a skater gang. They also love sneaking into the biggest club in the state and hanging out at the bar to hang out with an old childhood frienemy who owns the place. When Person A's underboss of the gang and bestfriend dies in a car crash said frienemy helps her through it and feelings escalate. 

5. Person A is one of the children of the most well known assassin alive. Them and their twin sibling were sent to a government institution after the death of their parents. This government institution was actually a place for kids with magical abilities tho they called it a insane asylum. After the twins escaped they have to rebuild their reputation along with their deceased parents. While Person A's twin flies to Norway to establish their old home and take contracts there Person A stays in the United States to make buisness here. Soon Person A find a small town killer and takes an interest to them.

6. Gang underboss falls inlove with the gangs prisoner

~List may be added to~ 

For the challenge it isn't required to write based on one of these plots these were just some ideas

~Free Plot Ideas/Writing Challenge~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora