Chapter Two

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The tattoo felt like a constant rubber band getting hit on my arm, not hurting as much as I figured. I wasn't going to admit that I was nervous and scared about the pain level; I didn't want Zoe to think I was weak. After the first couple minutes I knew it wasn't going to be hard to bare. She picked the tattoo out for me, told me not to look at it until it was done. For the 20 minutes I was in there I bullshitted with Jason and flirted with Zoe in front of him, pretty hardcore I might add. She didn't introduce me as her boyfriend which didn't bug me at first but how they interacted with each other threw me off. Sure Zoe had a tattoo so they knew each other but it seemed like they knew a lot about each other, she smiled and laughed a lot while he would talk. Made me think but I wasn't going to accuse unless I knew. I did trust her, I just have a guard up I can never pull down. I didn't want to be that jealous boyfriend so I did want I could to show him that she was mine.
"There, all done, go look in the mirror to see the art that's forever yours." I chuckled at the word art. Charging under aged kids $30 for a tattoo, I would think it couldn't be that great of 'art'. I raised my right arm to the mirror as I look to a solid black serpent on the outside of my arm, from below my wrist to close to my elbow. I got closer to see that is wasn't the greatest, the lines weren't solid and the snake looked like it had a lazy eye. However, with that aside, Zoe picked out a good one. I was happy with it I mean, everyone has to get one shitty tattoo in their lifetime. I just got an early head start.
"Babe, you picked good and Jason, you rock man." Jason smiled at me through the mirror.
As I looked at it I started to wonder, why a snake? "Why'd you choose this one?" I told her as I turned around to look at her. Her smile spread cheek to cheek as she came over to me as she maneuvered my arm so she could see it clearly.
"I didn't want you to forget your legacy here, all the snakes you put in their place. I should've told him to put a crown on top of it." She giggled as she looked down at me as she kissed my cheek. I put my hand on her cheek as she was about to pull away I kissed her soft lips. She quickly kissed me back and grabbed her wallet out to grab the money that was owed to Jason.
"Here you go buddy, plus tip." She told him as she slapped the money on the counter. Jason got up from his seat to walk over to her. He brought Zoe into a hug as it seemed like it was long enough for me. I stared at him as I cleared my throat.
"Alright man, I'm sure I'll be seeing you later." He let go of my girl as he held out his hand to shake. I did and nodded to him. 

As we walked down the steps and headed to my moped my thoughts started to wonder.
"How long have you known that Jason guy?" I told her as I lent up against my scooter. Her eyes drifted to the sky as she tried to think of an answer. She finally shrugged her shoulders and gave me the most blunt answer. 
"For awhile I guess, why?" I scratched the back of my head as my eyes went from my shoes to those gorgeous eyes. I didn't want to be blunt, because I did trust her. I just worry because I truly don't want to loose her, not yet.
"Did you guys ever have a thing?" I managed to choke out. I didn't want her to think I was suspecting for her to cheat on me but I'll never ignore signs again. She sighed as her eyes went straight through me. Oh no, here it comes.
"How could you think that, James? A junkie like him?" I couldn't help to let out a small laugh when she said that. Bad call though, once I saw those eyebrows arch down and the arms crossed I immediately canned the laughter.
"When I first asked you out you literally told me there's something romantic about Junkies and older men, you said that was your type." I told her with a smile on my face, knowing I put her in her place. I didn't care about her past dudes, I just wanted to know so I can keep an eye out for the guys, do better than them. She scoffed at me as she started walking further into Blue Skies, not wanting to argue. I sighed and got back on my feet to start following her. 
"Babe! Zoe! Where do you think you're going?" She didn't bother turning around, just yelled a 'fuck you' and kept walking. I shook my head as I got my keys from my pocket and went to start up my ride. If she wants to act like a little goody two shoes, fine by me but I won't fuel that shit. I started it up as I made a U-turn to leave Blue Skies, kicking up dirt as I made the turn. Sure, as a boyfriend I was supposed to chase after her, comfort her. I'm not that boyfriend though, she walked away, she can come back.

After parking my moped in the garage I walk through the campus towards the Boy's Dorm. It was right across from the Girl's dorm, turned one way to go to the main street and the other towards the main building. As I pass the arch way I see Trent smoking a cig on the front steps. I sigh as I could pass him without saying a word, but I felt like I needed nicotine. I sit on the right of him as I held out my hand, without moving my eyes from the stairs below me. I could see him smile as he handed the smoke to me.
"Another fight with the red haired devil?" I let out air as I smiled. I took the stick as I inhaled and flicked the ash from it. 
"Don't call her that man." I told him as I looked at him. Trent and I used to be close after I took over the bullies. However, we had a falling out when I took over all of the cliques. He said I had changed and he didn't want to be around when I fell, I didn't realize it at the time but the fame got to me. I haven't talked to him seriously since, didn't really have the guts to. Just small talk here and there to kill any awkwardness that was there.
"You know I'll always call her that, you usually fight and aren't happy." He said as his smile dropped as he took back the cancer stick. I shrugged, feeling his feelings towards her. 
"You wouldn't know how to handle relationships when they hit a rough patch." I snapped back. I wasn't going to take his shit, not again. He put his hand over his chest.
"Ouch! That's a burn." I chuckled slightly as I bumped my shoulder against his. I watched as he inhaled the smoke and french inhaled, knowing I was watching. 
"Can you still do the thing?" I asked, trying to change the subject. He started to laugh as he looked at it. 
"Give me a minute." He took a couple long drags until the cigarette was over half way gone, flicked the ash off of it, then put it back to his lips. He flicked the cig with his tongue inside of his mouth. He turned to me and pushed the smoke out of his nose then flicked it back to the outside of his lips with a smile as he inhaled once more. I started to laugh as I held the bridge of my nose and shook my head. He took a final inhale as he laughed with me, handing me back the stick. 
"I'll always wonder how many times you've burnt your tongue attempting that." I held the cig in between my lips as I thought about trying to do the trick, taking a drag. He smiled as he held his hands together.
"As you know I started young stealing from my Dad. I saw it on a movie, practiced with butts that weren't lit, took forever man." He chuckled as he ran his hand through his hair. I looked at him and then at the stick in between my lips. He gave me a worried look and shook his head. I raised my brows at him as I attempted to flick it back with my tongue as the cherry slid on the roof of my mouth instantly burning it. I grunted as I grabbed it from my mouth and held the roof of my mouth with my thumb. Trent let out a loud roar of a laugh as he laid back on the stairs, clapping his hands. 
"Fuck you." I muffled to him as I started to laugh with him. "I had to try at least once." I said as I spit on the bottom stairs that were mixed with ash. 
"Practice with butts dumbass!" He told me and his laughs slowly calmed down. I got up as I patted him on the shoulder. "I only smoke with you man, even though they'll kill ya one day." I started to head up the stairs when I heard Trent call my name. I turned around to see him blow out the last of the smoke as he threw it on the ground and put it out with his sneaker.
"I've missed you..." He said in a low voice. I sighed and looked him in the eye. 
"I know, me too Trent." With that I turned around and walked through the doors of the dorm without giving him a chance to respond. I did miss him, we had some memories that I'll always hold to me. However, I'm with Zoe now and that takes up most of my time. If I'm not with her I'm with Pete, even though most of the time it's all three of us because Zoe is too damn clingy.

I walk straight through the hall into the living room as I make a right to the Bean Cola machine . I grab one as I walk around the couch to see Pete and Davis sitting on the couch, talking about a show called Fame or Shame. I never really understood why people could watch that crap but here they are, arguing about who they think is going to make it to finals. I sit on the left side of the couch, leaving Davis in the middle of me and Pete. I take a sip from the Cola as I rest it on the arm of the couch.
"Dude, you're so fucking wrong! Anglia has amazing moves, not even to mention those tits! People are going to vote for those tig ol bitties." Davis said with a smile. Pete sighed as he rested his elbow on the arm of the couch as his hand was propping up his head. 
"Davis, it's not all about the breasts! She's too cocky and all she does is wiggle her breasts, not even dance!" I covered my mouth, trying not to have them hear my laughs, as I didn't want to be part of that conversation. Listening in was good enough for me. I guess I wasn't successful as both of their heads whipped towards me, which brought me to let out a bigger laugh. 
"Jimmy this isn't a laughing matter..." Pete told me in a serious tone. I fucking lost it right there, I broke out into laughter I couldn't control anymore. Davis looked at me with a smile on his face. After I calmed down Davis looked at me seriously. He leaned in closer as his nose as almost touching my shoulder. I gave when a unpleasant look after I put my elbow up to block him.
"Dude! You're smoking again??" He told me as his eyes widened and his fist covering his mouth. I sighed and took a sip of the cola, hoping it'd numb the pain in my mouth just a little bit. 
"I took a couple drags off of Trent's." I told him, not looking at him. Pete's head popped back out to look at me once more, this time even more seriously. Pete always hated when I'd smoke or drink. When I'd party with the Bullies I'd drag along Pete to make some friends, which to my surprise he did. He'd hang out with Davis while I'd be with Trent, as me and Trent drifted, Davis and Pete still remained friends. I could feel the eyes burning on the side of my face.
"Y-You guys are talking again?" Pete told me. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't know if I'd call us friends but someone I could share a drink or smoke without it being awkward. "I never knew what happened with you guys, you were so close, almost fuck buddies close!" Davis said with a chuckle. I stood up and punch his shoulder. 
"Shut the fuck up Davis, no one wants to hear your shit." I told him as I walked out of the room. 
"Alright, jeez, still touchy." I heard Davis say as I walked into my dorm room. As I looked down I saw an envelope that was slid under the door. Confused, I picked it up and looked at the front of it. It had my full name in the middle and in the left corner as I saw who it was from, made my heart drop into my stomach. "Happy Volts Asylum". I quickly sat on my bed as I analyzed the front of the letter over and over, scared to open it. My hands shook slightly as I put my thumb through the top as I slid it open. I slowly took out the paper and unfolding it. In the two paragraph that were on that page, the bold letters is what attracted my eyes, the only thing I needed to know. "If Gary Smith contacts you in anyway contact Sheriff Daniel at #####" No. Oh fuck. The motherfucker did it, he escaped. I was split into two thoughts. One, nervous and angry that the phony couldn't pay his price in what he did that this academy. The other is hoping he would contact me, which I didn't know why. I did miss Gary in a way, he was my best friend here. His wicked humor and the darkness that held him was always so interesting to dive into. However, I knew he wasn't the same and if he were to contact me it would be to rip me a new one for ultimately putting him in there. The last true and fun day I had with him was Halloween, we had a blast pulling pranks on people and cracking jokes. I blew out all the air in my lungs as I held the paper in one hand and my other on top of my head. I knew one thing for sure, Pete could not find out that Gary escaped. He still locks his windows and dorm door because of him. I never knew why though, he never told me so Gary had to have done something pretty messed up for Pete to be on edge so much when the topic of Gary is brought up. I decided to walk to my desk that was in front of the window and pick up my phone. I dialed Sheriff Daniels number and held it to my ear, shaking with nerves as I listened to the phone ringing, getting closer to having to confront this problem head on.
"Daniels." Is all he said. The man sounded like he smoked two packs a day, judging his low raspy voice. Either that or he was just older.
"This is Jimmy Hopkins, I found your letter..." I trailed off. There was silence for a few seconds until he responded.
"Did he contact you?" I shook my head, forgetting for a minute that he couldn't see me. It felt like there was no air in my lungs so I could speak, I wish I didn't have to.
"N-No, I just wanted to see what happened. That place has high security, how the hell did he manage to escape?" I could hear Daniels sigh and a creak of the chair he was sitting on.
"He made a riot three nights ago, I don't know how since he wasn't allowed to talk to any one of the patients there. It was in the middle of the night so there was only half the guards that are usually staffed in the day. After head count they called me knowing he was gone." As I tried my best to retain the information that was given to me it took me a minute to process. I didn't want to show fear, I never did, I always held a strong persona which I plan on still keeping. 
"Thank you for letting me know, if I find anything I have your number." I told him as I folded the paper and put it in my desk.
"Sure thing, I'll be sending a letter to your friend Pete also." My heart stopped.
"No please don't, he has so much anxiety with the guy I don't want to give him anymore to worry about, I'll talk to him." Daniels cleared his throat.
"Son I'm just following protocol. I have to contact every one of his-" I had to cut him off, if he was going to investigate it had to be on my terms or I knew it would make matters worse. If the campus knew he was out it would go right back to how it was, chaos. Everything I built would be torn down and I couldn't let that fly.
"Screw your damn protocol alright! Do know what demon just escaped? The one that made this whole academy a living hell? If you contact any one else it'll cause mayhem, do you understand me? Brawls will be started on campus, kids will get hurt!" I told him raising my voice. There was silence on the line, almost overwhelming, piercing. I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes. "Look, please, if this is going to work you have to trust me, we need to find him before he constructs a plan to do something stupid. I know him better than anyone else." I told him, trying to apologize without saying it.
"Alright, but if things flip I will be contacting other people and you will be the number one suspect, understand boy?" I nodded.
"Yes sir, thank you." With that I hung up just in time to hear a knock on the door, which made my heart burn for the first time in a long time.

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