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"Preee sit up!" the class captain's voice cuts through the peaceful silence of the class.

The whole class reacted by sitting up and stretching forward their arms as expected. Just like in the military, we were expected to pay respect to our seniors this way.

From my sit at the back, I had to dodge a few heads to see the the senior who entered. If a senior is visiting the SS1 class during the night prep, it was probably the prep prefect coming to get possible culprits or the mean seniors coming to find their next victims.

I wasn't too worried as long as it wasn't the latter, I was dressed in my complete housewear as expected and have been keeping to myself.

But the moment I caught sight of the person standing in the front of the class, I dropped my pen in preparation for what was coming next. Senior Hayatudeen Musa only visited my class for one reason only, or would I say one person.

"You know yourself, so don't waste my time" he said simply but no one one can miss the threatening undertone he used.

"Yes senior" I replied immediately getting up to my feet and shuffling my way through school bags, tables and chairs to him in the front of the class, not forgetting to mentally commend myself for not stuttering.

He took his time to appraise me from head to toe before gesturing for me to follow him outside the class.

"I didn't see you when we visited a week to resumption" he stated as soon as we were out of earshot.

"I was out with my un- uncle" I replied cursing myself silently for stuttering.

"Let's just get straight to the point Aahil. I need all the time I'll get to prepare for my JPE, so I want you to take my place in the prep classes I'll be supervising this session" he said.

I wasn't totally surprised by his 'request'. After all, this is what most of my classmates were going through now.

"Okay senior" I replied. Supervising prep classes wasn't that much of a deal, but who wouldn't like to study in his own class than a class with junior students that don't know how to wash properly.

"I'm meant to supervise JSS1 A this night, as for the rest come meet me later tommorow." he turned and walked off not waiting for my response.

I sighed as I watched his retreating back. I couldn't help but wonder how different he now is from when we first met. It was a dinner my family shared with his- his father, elder brother and twin brother. Apparently his father, Brigadier General DA Musa was my father's old time friend, he was the reason I was taken to AFCS Kaduna. He convinced my father that a military school might 'bring me out of my shell'. I can also remember how the three boys, especially Hayatudeen was excited for me to join them. The eldest Fahad was in JSS3 then, while Hayatudeen and his twin Shamsudeen was in JSS2.

Looking at him now, he's so different from the boy who bonded over shared hobbies with me. We'd watch animes together and exchange manga series. The boy who didn't laugh when I found it hard to make a complete sentence. The boy who would reprimand his twin for teasing me. But now, he would make sure no one linked us together, would glare anytime I stuttered and will sit and watch each time Shamsudeen teases me.

Shaking off the thoughts. I went back to my class to get all I'll need before heading towards JSS1 A.

Upon entering the class, the class captain called to sit up. I took my time to inspect the newest students in the school. Most of them look wasted already and it's barely a week since we resumed. Rumpled clothes and dirty socks. JSS1 is a hell hole no one escapes from, the confusion and pressure from senior students, and probably having personal issues isn't a good combination.

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