First day at Wormwood Academy

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I had written my exams online and was ready to begin school dad had gotten everything ready for his princess to begin school and I also couldn't wait even though I was really nervous about this. My siblings were also looking forward to their first day at school I was entering the 9th grade today, Janette and Jake who are twins were going to the 7thh grade today and James was going to the 2nd grade today . We were to resume for the first term tomorrow and I really couldn't wait even though I was really nervous.
The next day I was in my room sleeping when my siblings came into my room and jumped on my bed waking me up and screaming Jessica it is time for school when I opened my eyes they all run out of my room little brats I said. I went to have a bath and went downstairs for breakfast mom had prepared strudels which was my favourite for breakfast.
I ate my breakfast so slowly to make time pass because I was really scared about school I remember when I actually moved into school earlier in Florida it was very scary people kept looking at me and there was this guy that kept stalking me like it was crazy. Mum understood what I was going through so she told me that I should calm down that school isn't that bad and whatever it is I should be myself that and she knew that I was gonna make friends this time and those words just soothed my disturbed soul.
Dad decided to take us to school on her first day when we go to school we saw so many prestigious students and we could see them from the way they dressed there was one particular girl that kept looking at me so weirdly and from that look I knew that she was going to be one tough person dad hugged us and finally left for work he had a meeting with his business partner in as much as I wanted him to stay he also needed to go and he did not want to disappoint Mr Williams my Siblings ran into the school and of course I needed to follow them to keep an eye on them. A lady showed my siblings to their classes and then some nice girls came towards me and introduced themselves "hi I am Natasha and this is my twin sister Natalia you must be the new girl Jessica" said Natasha "yes I am" I said a little relieved Natalia spoke up "well we are your new classmate and we hope we could become friends so come on let me show you to the class." Natalia and Natasha worked me to the class and we got into a conversation those were the first friends I made. While we were talking, a girl by the name Sally walked up to us and if I could remember well she was the girl who was giving me the weird  look at the school ground "hello New Girl you must know me well if you don't I'm Sally the leader of the cheerleading group and also the most famous girl in the school so don't hang out with these losers hang out with the ccp's" said Sally "no thank you these girls aren't losers they're nice people and what you said is not nice do not degrade other people." I said
Sally looked at me so weirdly and said "you messed with the wrong person girl and from today you are going to hate ever coming to Wormwood Academy" on my first day I had made a new enemy but also I had made new friends.
It was time for the assembly Natasha Natalia and I left for the assembly ground and that's when I noticed that a guy was looking at me actually there were two guys looking at me I asked Natasha who are those people she looked at them and told me that they were the most handsome and the most richest boys in the whole wormwood Academy. The Principal miss Sullivan addressed all the students and welcome all the new students to school and also the returning students she seem to be very nice and assured us the if we had any problems she would be here for us. After the assembly we left for class for the first subjects which was English. We waited for about 5 minutes and then the teacher walked in "Good morning class I am miss Rosita and I will be taking you on English can we take 3 minutes to introduce ourselves" she said I listen to everybody names and found out that the guys who were looking at me the first one which was super cute and hot was Leo and the second one was his brother Lucas. After the introduction she started the class I listened attentively and then she gave us an assignment which was to be done in groups and was to be submitted by next week Friday so we had limited time to practice . Every group was to act a play on Romeo and Juliet. She paired everybody the first Group what's Sally's group which consisted of Amelia, Rose, David, Daniel, Emily and Jeff. The second group which was Liam's group consisted of Diane Judy Jeremy Joseph and Hayden. The third group which was Jaden's group consisted of Jasmine Riley Alex Greig Chloe and Diego. The last group which was Leo's group consisted of Natasha, Natalia, me, Patrick, Lucas and Samuel. This projects was to be displayed on Saturday and we only had eleven days to rehearse the group members were to choose the main characters. So my group decided to meet during the break to decide who will be Romeo and the other characters in the story.
After Mrs rosita had left the next teacher which was the mathematics teacher walked into the class he introduced himself as Mr George. After the math class the science teacher came for her class she introduced herself as miss Dorothy. And then after science class it was break time. Everyone had their meal and then we moved to the school playground. My group members where are a corner of the playground waiting for me, Natasha and Natalia to arrive we had delayed them a little we had a vote and guess what Leo the super cute Guy was elected to to play the role of Romeo and I was elected to play the role of Juliet I couldn't believe it I thought it was a joke but it wasn't I didn't know what the group members had seen in me that made them to choose me to play the role of Juliet.
After everyone has been given a part Leo walked up to me and said "hey I look forward to working with you and hi I'm Leo I'm I'm at your service my Juliet" he said and walked away. My best friends had been watching from a distance and immediately Leo left the girls came and asked "so what's cooking between you guys" I looked at them and laughed and said "of course nothing we are just classmates groupies probably friends and acting partners so there's nothing cooking." "That what they always say" said Natalia as I was about to reply the bell rang meaning break was over and it was time to head back to class I told them "this isn't over yet girls"and then we left for class.
When we got to class the history teacher was standing and waiting for us we entered the class greeted him and took our seats the the history teacher started off by saying good day students "I am Mr McDonald." Immediately he said that I giggled because his name was the name of restaurant immediately I giggled the teacher asked who giggled stand up. I was about to stand up when Leo stood up and said "sorry Mr McDonald I was the one who giggled I'm sorry." You get an hour detention for interrupting my class.
Why did Leo stand up for me when he didn't giggle could it be that he giggled with me or maybe intentionally took the blame. To find out keep reading diary of Jessica  Shipman. Love all my readers and this book is a work of my hands it isn't something that I have copied from a book or a TV series or a movie or show this is directly from my brain.
After Mr McDonald's class, miss Kayla came for her class and lastly Mr Peter and then it was time for lunch break and that was when Leo's detention started as Leo was going for detention, I stopped him and decided to talk to him I started the conversation by saying "hey Leo did you laugh during the class?" He said "I know I didn't laugh but I couldn't allow you get into trouble because you're a very nice person and his name is funny the name of my favourite restaurants."  "Oh my god that is also my favourite restaurant" I said smiling "thank you so much for helping me Leo I will forever be grateful" i said "well you are my Juliet" he said. He held my hand and looked deep into my eyes I felt his gaze pierce through my heart and he drew close to me I felt his scent all over me and when he was about to do what ever he wanted to do, Sally interrupted him by pushing me aside and saying "Oh Leo I am so sorry about your detention Mr McDonald should have never done this he is so heartless but do not worry okay Leo boo it is just an hour detention." look Sally we are not dating so do not call me boo" said Leo frustrated "but you are my ex after all and even if you don't accept I still love you" said Sally trying to get close to Leo.  I immediately left the scene not knowing why I just felt so uncomfortable seeing Sally and Leo together. As I was leaving for the school cafeteria, I met Leo's brother Lucas, I looked at him and was about to leave when he stood right in front of me I took the other way but he kept blocking so I finally asked " hey Lucas so what do you want? " " hey pretty you finally noticed me anyways I am the heart throb of many girls but I have left all of them for you sweetie. You have got the looks, the brain and everything so what do you say honey want to take the leap sugar cube trust me you don't want to refuse I am the best you will find and if you refuse I got other babes who are dying to have me just look at them and here I am talking to you." said Lucas feeling so proud I was not interested in Lucas so I told him directly " well Lucas you have so many girls right, then I think you should go to them because I do not have interest in you I am so sorry" then I walked away and Lucas kept shouting you will regret rejecting me Jessica you will never find anyone like me I am the richest, the coolest and the most handsome you will come back to me, I just ignored him and kept walking.
My first day at school was not that bad and it also was not that good anyways I am off to the cafeteria.
We had a break of two hours and I had set an alarm on my phone that immediately an hour had passed, there was something I had to do.
What does Jessica have to do in an hour to find out keep reading and do not forget to comment follow and vote.

I picked up my burger, fries and soda and heads to the table where Natalia and Natasha were sitting. "We have been waiting for you where have you been" said Natalia sorry guys "I went to see Leo he been given detention and in 7 minutes his detention will be over" I said. My besties Talia and Tasha looked at them selves and said " so you are keeping track of time now wow amazing " "look girls...." as I was about to continue my alarm went off and for some reason I stood up and ran immediately to detention room. My besties followed me behind
When I got there the teacher was sayingbstart packing up detention is over for Leo, Stella and Emma the rest of you stay right here and go nowhere okay. Immediately Leo came out I hugged him and then he said " hey Jess you are here I thought you would leave me here anyways let us go it is time for break I want to get to know you more and we could probably start practicing for the play." "okay sure come on to the school cafeteria as I turned my besties were smiling so broadly and by mistake Natasha said "JessiLeo" I just stood there not knowing what to say or do but Leo was just smiling I just ignored them and continued walking and then Leo followed me behind.
"So where do you live Jess?" " I'm not sure of my address because we just moved here a week ago I used to live in Florida but my dad owns a business that runs around different countries so he decided to settle here in New York so that's why I'm here." "Wow well I could always show you around what do you say after practice on Saturday I could show you around well you should know the restaurant downtown we can meet there and then I could show you around." " That is so nice Leo thank you so much I promise to come and we could also start practice on Saturday too" I said
Time past so fast and then the break was over, we both walked back to class for the last subject of the day before school will be over it was 1:33 p.m. and school was to end by 2:15 p.m. the last class for the day was  Literature. And the literature had given us a project to create a poem she grouped us into two and my partner was Leo.
Finally school was over and dad and mom had come to pick me up and I waved at Natasha and Natalia and gave them a big hug and hopped into the car.  "So I see someone's made new friends on her first day we'll that's good " said mom smiling
I laughed and told mom "you were right mom I did make friends on my first day but I also made two enemies" "really sweet heart why and how" mom asked looking worried well it all started after the assembly Natasha, Natalia and I left for class and when we got to the class, Sally who is my sworn enemy asked me not to hang out with Tasha and Talia because they were losers and I stood up to her and she got really angry and she said she was going to be my worst nightmare then the second one is a boy who is my Romeo's brother Lucas he..." I was about to continue when dad and mom interrupted me simultaneously saying "your Romeo!?" they both looked so shocked and suprised "yes  I almost forgot to tell you I was selected to be Juliet and Leo is Romeo so he calls me his Juliet and I call him my Romeo" I said giving a chuckle. Mom and dad looked at each other and then looked at me but mom kept her gaze at me and dad turned to focus on driving. "mom this is just like in the movies when it starts as friends then a play then they start hanging out and then prom then they start dating and finally get married mom whet if that is what happens with Jess she is already in the second stage" said my little 10 year old sister Janette. "You are crazy Janette there is nothing going on we are just friends okay" I said blushing "well that's what they always say"said Janette "Okay Janette that's okay if you're sister said that she doesn't love him,then I am sure she doesn't." said my mom and then the matter ended there.
Hey guys so this chapter ends here pretty interesting right?
Anyways I will be updating soon,do Leo and Jessica love each other and what will happen in the play also what happens between Lucas and Sally.
By the way pizza or chicken nuggets


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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