Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to whom the characters are based off of

Brooklyn's POV

"Claire! Shut up please! I am trying to do math!"

"Who needs math when you have Niall Horan right in front of you!" she says in her usual giggling voice.

"He's not in front of you, but you know what is! The pythagorean theorem!!!"

"That's not fun"

"I told you, you aren't gonna meet them unless you get tickets, and you know your mom" Claire and her family weren't exactly well off, I met her at a cross country sign-up 3 years ago and we've been BFFs since then. Another thing to know about Claire is she is so obsessed with One Direction, it's not funny. And she is also really hyper and constantly spitting out facts and rants. Those make GREAT combinations (notice the internet sarcasm)

I'm not obsessed with One Direction. That is that. I know their lyrics, names, facts, and inside jokes, but that's it. I don't have weird imagines with them in it and I don't really want any 1D merchandise for Christmas like 3/4 of the girls on this planet. Yes, I am fully aware of my weirdness, no hate please.

Aside from that, I have brown hair and milk-chocolate color eyes.

Claire's POV

"That's not fun"

I don't see how Brooklyn can live with her self not totally freaking out when a One Direction song plays on the radio, or if they have another Allan Carr, Ellen, Today, Late Show, etc. interview on TV. One Direction is my life. I would do anything to meet them or hear them sing in person. But my mom can't even spare $20 so I can go shopping for back-to-school clothes. My dad left 2 years after my younger brother Conner was born. Conner is 8 now. My mom has tried to get jobs, but they never last long. The good thing is currently my mom has a part-time job at Wal-Mart.

So, now it's just Conner, my mom, and I. Now for some information about me. Besides my obsession with the VERY dishy Niall Horan, I enjoy cooking and hanging out with Brooklyn. My life-long dream is to meet One Direction and have Niall fall in love with me. I live in Tuscon, Arizona and attend Palace High School (dumb name I know) where I am a senior. I have dirty blond hair and green eyes.

"Claire, your mom is parked out front."

"Ok, thanks. Bye Brooklyn!!" I headed out the door and hopped in the passenger seat of my mom's 1998 old-school Toyota Camry.

"Hey, sweetie, how was it at Brooklyn's?"


"Cool, so much how much did you get done in the 2 hours you were over there?"

"Like five problems on my math"

"Really, Claire?! Can you not blab about One Direction just enough to finish your homework?"

"Not really. But I only have my math, and I can get it done, I promise."


"So how was work?"

"Fine, some kid puked in the candle aisle, and then John had to clean it up, because the janitor took a personal day." John is my mom's boyfriend. They started dating when he interviewed her for her current job. He's the manager, so I'm hoping my mom will be able to keep this job. But, John's nice, he takes Conner to football practice every week, and he keeps me updated on sales and such at the store.

"That's lovely."

When we arrived home, I went to the bar in our small kitchen, and got cracking on my math. I was done pretty quick, and then I rode my bike to the library to gawk at One Direction pictures on the Internet. I went home, took a shower, and went to bed.


I know, pretty short chapter. I have an idea for the next, so hopefully that will be longer and better :)

So, your 1D news: 1D performed in MSG last night, and Harry &Niall were going to get shot. But, they didn't!!! So yay.

One Direction is going to be on The Late Show on Friday. 11:35/10:35 central.

Niall, still has his tattoo, if it's real.

Their are still Haylor rumors (The Central Park zoo didn't help with that.)

Payzer might be together!!! I hope so

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