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Zander furrowed his brows, his eyes wandering from the frustrated blonde to the wall, his face relaxing as his attention drifted off.

He stopped listening minutes ago, lost in his thoughts, drowning out the sound of her voice. So many things were running through his mind.


Snapping out of his daze, he looked up, finding a very annoyed Charlie mere inches away from his face.

His cheeks flushed, and he scooted his face back slightly, refraining from his usual flirty remark. Instead, he asks, "What?"

She opens her mouth, ready with a comeback to whatever cheeky thing he said, but was caught off guard by his question. Stunned, she shuts her mouth again as she narrowed her eyes.

"You were listening right?"

There's a pause before he answers. "Nope."

"Oh, thanks for that," she snaps, turning away after she shot a glare his direction. "I fucking hate you."

"No you don't," he replied, leaning back in his chair and watching her small figure pacing back and forth.

"Whatever. What I was saying is that I'm pretty fucking annoyed by all this relationship shit, you know? Everyone I know has a relationship. Except Trixie or whoever."

"And?" He asked with a raised brow, confused as to why she was upset. Charlie never really seemed to be the type that cared about this type of thing.

"And, I dunno, maybe it'd be nice to have someone who likes me or something like that," she admitted with embarrassment, turning her head away so he wouldn't get a look at her face.

Now that shocked Zander. She wanted someone to like her? She was crazy, right? Just about every guy on the track team had a thing for her, and she was just too blind to see it.

She was also too blind to see that even he liked her, and sometimes, it drove him nuts.

It wasn't that big of a deal, though. The crush was small, it wouldn't develop any further, he was sure.

"I know someone who likes you," he blurted out, watching as she quickly glanced back, her face filled with doubt.

"Oh yeah? Who is it then?"

Fuck, he didn't think this through.

And what the hell was he even doing? It was a small thing that'd probably go away after several months, this was pointless. But she was curious, so he might as well humor her for a while.

"I promised I wouldn't tell his name. But he's crazy about you, trust me."

Clearly, Charlie wasn't buying it. Folding her arms across her chest, she frowned in his direction. "Do I know him?"

"Yeah, you guys are friends," Zander continued, flashing a weak smile. "He's in all your classes."

"He is?" She questions curiously, turning slightly to look at him shyly. "How tall is he?"

"About my height." His response was casual, but on the inside, he was completely losing it. But hey, it was better than telling her upfront that he liked her, right?

"Hm, okay. What's he do?"

"Guitar," he answers quickly, shoving his hands in his hoodie pockets, raising his head as they talked.

"Oh god, is it Flynn? Twi's ex?"

"What? No, it's not Flynn. He likes someone else, I forgot her name though."

"Oh, good. I freaked out for a second. Anway, what's he look like? Give me a hint, like hair color or something," she said, a small smile forming on her lips.

But hair color? No, that's too obvious. Zander changed his hair color numerous times, and it'd be a dead giveaway if he told her his "friend" dyed his hair on a regular basis.

"I'm not giving you hair color. But, he plays a bunch of sports."

Charlie pauses, an perplexed expression on her features. With a tilt of her head, she furrowed both brows, thinking hard. "Honestly, the only guy who's fitting the description is you."

His eyes widened, his face going pale. She figured it out.

"W-What makes you say that?"

"Oh, come on Blitz, you wouldn't tell me the hair color."

Zander bit his lip, then scowling. "Fine, it's dirty blonde. Ya happy?"

"Very. So, now I know it's not you."

"Would you be mad if it was?"

Charlie paused to consider, scrunching her face together as she thought. Seconds later, she shrugged. "I dunno," she answered honestly.

"Well, that's nice to know."

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