Chapter 3 : In hospital

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The young man woke up in a white room with just beeps as sounds. It was so different from the tent, it was calm, and he was alone. He was hearing some people talk from behind the door, but he couldn't understand what they were saying. It didn't matter, he knew he wasn't in danger anymore, the war was finally over.

He looked at his body and saw a bandage covering his entire left arm, but he knew why. But he couldn't remember what happened to his right leg and why it needed a plaster cast. At least he still had his legs, not everyone had this chance. He sat up straight the best he could and saw a mirror on his nightstand. 

He froze. He wasn't sure he was ready for this, but he needed to know. He took a deep breathing and grabbed the small object, his hand shaking, before facing it. His face was still half burnt, and his left eye was still completely white, unable to see. He was so ugly, nobody would want someone like that in their life. Maybe his family would reject him too, he didn't know. 

The door opened which scared the young man who grabbed the lamp as a weapon. A nurse entered and warmly smiled to him, reassuring the man.

- "Hi, Mr. Sinclair. How are you today?"

The man frowned but didn't answer. His first reflex was to cover his body with the blanket. The woman quickly examined him before saying:

- "We found your family."

- "Really? Are they coming?"

- "They are on their way."

- "Did you...warn them?"

- "If you're talking about your conditions, they know, but, believe me, after seven years of absence, they will be too happy to see you to care. You're alive, it's all that matters for them," she smiled.

- "Okay. What happened to my leg?"

- "Your bone didn't heal correctly. Our surgeon replaced it."

- "Okay. Thanks."

He wondered if they asked him before doing it and he forgot or if they did it without his consent. He didn't care, if he could walk with no pain anymore, he wouldn't complain. The nurse placed a remote control next to him.

- "You certainly don't know, but there are only six channels now, and they are all talking about the end of the war," she explained.

- "Oh. I guess I can check."

- "Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything."

- "Okay."

The woman smiled to him before leaving the room. Lucas didn't know if he really wanted to watch the news, he had had a ringside seat for seven years, he already knew what happened. But, maybe, they were talking of what would happen next, so he switched on the TV. They were talking about the President and how amazing he had been all these years, but they apparently forgot who did all the job. Lucas couldn't believe it, he was the one in hospital, not the President! Human beings were still sickening, even after an event like that.

They were organizing a ceremony to thank all the soldiers. Lucas didn't know if it was a good thing or not, a ceremony wouldn't solve anything. It was the thought that counted, he guessed. But he would certainly not go. He was a monster now, and he didn't want to scare people or worse, have their pity eyes on him. 

He switched off the TV. There was nothing interesting, just the same blah blah again and again. Boring. He dropped his head on the pillow and looked at the ceiling. He tried to empty his mind, but he couldn't stop thinking of what had happened for seven years. He was even wondering if the war was really over, maybe it was a plan from his enemy to make him believe he was safe, like that they could tender him before asking him questions again and again. It was too twisted to be an idea from the enemy, even if they had some awful way to torture them or trap them for seven years. 

The door opening cut him in his thoughts, and the vision of these people confirmed that he wasn't in danger. He hadn't seen them for seven years, but he recognized his parents and his little sister. He wasn't really comfortable; he was ugly, and he wasn't ready for his family to see him like that. He looked down, ashamed, but got surprised when he felt two arms around him. The warm of his mother's body made him remember how much he missed them. He took her in his arms and began to cry on her shoulder, making cry the three others.

- "I was so scared," he said with a higher voice than usual because of his tight throat.

- "I know, sweetie, I know. It's over," his mother answered with a comforting tone.

The mother and the son were quickly joined by the father and the sister. The family didn't want to break the hug, too scared that Lucas would go back far and for a long time again. The mother was the first one to break the hug, not because she wanted it to stop, but because she wanted to watch her son. She placed her hands on his cheeks and softly caressed his burnt one.

- "I know, this is ugly," Lucas said, looking down.

The mother put her finger under his chin and forced him to look at her warm smile.

- "You're the most beautiful young man on this Earth, never forget that."

Lucas nodded.

- "And, you kinda look like a super-hero," his sister added.

- "Without the super cool powers," Lucas stated.

- "You don't need them," his father said.

Lucas nodded. His family stayed the entire day with him, and he was glad they did even if he was tired. They made him feel better about himself, and the knot he had had in his stomach for years disappeared. He hoped he would get out of the hospital soon to finally come back home.

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