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She was not coming... had she forgotten about their love? Had she forgotten about their treasured moments? He had given her everything! Everything she could possibly need! He had turned her into a vampire! Her greatest wish! Now she was hiding from him, but he would find her. He would take what it is that he needed. He could already feel his manhood straining against its breeches! But he was going to find her. He had grown tired of using his lefty, he would find her and let her feel him, pleasure him. It was what he needed.

It was what needed to be done.


Ashley knew nothing of the world she had gotten herself into, she would often times blame it on her naivety. She was only twenty but apart of a vast new world, a world she had yearned to be apart of since young. She had the opportunity but had failed to reap the benefits. She knew he was coming for her.
She knew he'd be there any minute now. It was time to bed her. To consummate their marriage. Why was she hiding? She was afraid. No man had ever dared lay a hand on her skin. She had made sure of that. From her first day of maturity till now.

In the Vampire society a marriage had to be consummated in order for the council to see it fit.

She knew he was looking for her. He was a Lord himself he had to live up to the laws he had bestowed and empowered himself.

Time seemed to stop as the glass windows to Ashley's bedroom were shattered to nothing but bits.

It was time for the bedding ceremony.

Ashley braced herself for what was to come. Like a thief in the night her husband grappled her through the window ferociously, leaping from building to building.

He would bed her if it was the last thing he did.

He throw her to the bed with mighty strength. Leaping on to her a second later.

Vampires were rough and brutal to one another. There was no softness towards them especially when bedding their beloved partner.

They were naturally rough beings.

"Why do you run from me?" he breathed. Hot breath fanned at Ashley's cheek. Her husband had found her as she had predicted. Now he would bed her in the most vicious way there was. She thought to herself.

"I...I was afraid..."
She managed to choke out.
He husband stared at her, visibly confused. She was afraid of him? But why? He had been nothing but tender to his wife beneath him. Well except for just now where he grabbed her through her bedroom window and threw her to his bed. A visible blush coated his cheeks.

"But why?" he still found himself ask her.

"You are too rough, my love."
She looks away timidly, she had more things to say. It had been because she was afraid to be touched as well. It was because...
She could not find the strength to voice her thoughts. Ashley had never been an outspoken woman, she would listen to you even if she deemed your views incorrect. She just could never find the strength.

Marcos looked at her with so much love in his eyes that Ashley had to visibly swallow.

"I am truly sorry my love,"

With that he placed a tender kiss to her lips, licking and sucking at her bottom lip as he asked for entrance, his wife had taken no time in letting him in he relished her sweet taste.

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