F🚦Stop Light Party🚦 Felix Weston 🚦

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Elvira had only been here a week when she heard about the infamous Stop Light Party. Leo had been pestering her about having to wear yellow so no one would flirt with her while she was there, which she thought was unfair seeing as he was gonna go in green and flirt to his heart's content. None the less she complied if only to get him to shut up about it.

When the siblings arrived at the party Leo was quick to lay down party ground rules for his sister.

"No flirt. No kissing. No drinking anything a stranger gives you. No drinking alcohol. If anyone is making you uncomfortable you come and get me. If anyone if harassing you you come get me. I know I sound possessive but I just don't want anything to happen to you, ok?" Elle nodded quickly "Alright now go have fun and I can not stress this enough be careful." and with that Leo disappeared into the crowd and Elle was left alone in a sea of teenagers in a yellow dress looking for anything to do.

Suddenly Elle let out a relieved sigh as she heard a familiar voice yell out "HEY! HEY ELLE!" She looked around and noticed Felix sitting on a couch in a yellow jacket. She quickly made her way over to him, hugging him when she got there unknowningly leaving him a flustered mess.

"Thank god. Felix your a life saver, really. I don't know anyone here and I think I saw some guy eyeing me earlier... your wearing yellow?" Elle tilted her head in confusion. She didn't know Felix was into anyone. It honestly upset her a bit, not that she knew why.

Felix suddenly got nervous "Uh yeah, I I I uh I'm into someone... here." Elle nodded and looked down at her tattered sneakers nervously "I see you're also wearing yellow. I didn't know you-"

"Oh, I'm not- Leo made me wear yellow so no one would flirt with me besides I'm really dumb about crushes anyway. I can be totally in love with someone and not really know unless they've said their into me first." Felix looked interested in this new information.

"So... hypothetically if I were to tell you that I've had a crush on you since you spilled soda on me and then pulled a sweatshirt out of your backpack without a second thought because you're aware of how clumsy you are. W-What would be your response to that?" Elle stared blankly at Felix for a couple seconds and he grew worried that he scared her off when really she was just processing the fact that she thought Felix was awesome and couldn't believe he had a crush on her of all people.

"I'd say this yellow might not just be because of Leo anymore." Elle admitted as she gently grabbed Felix's hand intertwining there fingers.

Felix and Elle spent the night talking and enjoying themselves, well, up until Felix left to use the restroom and some drunk idiot came up behind Elle and slapped her ass causing her to jump in surprise. When she turned around she was surprised to see a boy she had talked to in her math class. She remembered him as Eddie, he had seemed nice enough when she met him.

"Heyyyyyyy, Elviraaaa. I heard you were coming to the party. I was looking for you all nightttttt." Eddie put his arm around Elle effectively trapping her at his side as he tightened his grip as if he could feel her eagerness to get away. "Was that Uhhhh...lone stone kid bugging you?"

Elvira tried to pry his hands from her shoulder only for him to move them down to her waist "No Eddie, Felix is not bugging me but you are." Eddie threw her an offended look 

"What are you gonna do about it Ellie, huh? Call your broth-" And suddenly before he could finish his sentence a book was thrown at the back of his head.

"HEY DOUCHE BAG! WANNA GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER!" And stood, Leo with Felix at his side With Victor and Benji (Who Elle guessed had just arrived.) standing behind them. Elvira sighed in relief when Eddie took his hands off her.

"Man, ffffuck this" Eddie slurred and just like that he was stumbling away but just as he was about to make his way inside Felix and Leo Looked at each other in a silent agreement and walked towards Eddie before picking him up by both arms and dragging him to the front door and throwing him into the front yard. "WHAT THE FUCK? You can't kick me out assholes. It's not even your party."

Suddenly Mia and Lake stepped to the front "We can kick you out. I mean who do you think you are harassing Elvira like that." The two made their way to stand by Elle along with Felix as Benji, Victor, and Leo blocked Eddie from entering the house again. When he didn't move Lake suddenly walked forward and began pushing on Eddies chest "GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. We don't allow people like you here." Finally Eddie stumbled off towards his home flipping us off as he went.

Elle turned to her protectors and smiled at them "Thank you guys so much for that. I don't know what I would've done if you guys weren't there." Leo suddenly laughed and pulled his sister into a hug.

"We both know your being modest. If we weren't there you probably would've beat him to a pretty bad." Elle shrugged and also fell into a laugh along side her brother the others soon joining in after.

"Alright, now that that's delt with why don't we get back to the stoplight party. I don't really think anyone else noticed" Victor smiled as he pointed at the crowd that had indeed not been bothered by the commotion.

"Felix?" The boy in question turned to Elle and nodded his head quickly offering the pretty girl his hand and walking back into the house, leaving a lot of confused faces in their wake."

"Did they just-? Felix and Elle,huh? Never would have guessed it." Benji mumbled as Leo frantically looked at everyone.

"N-no. No Felix and Elle. No no no. Oh shit. ELLE I SAID NO KISSING." Leo chased after the pair into the house.

Lowkey debating a Benji and Leo one next. Should I?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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