More than Friends

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Erza POV

Ah man my clothes are all wet from crying,stupid Gray when I see him again I'm gonna knock him dead. It wasn't long until my thoughts were interrupted by a rock hitting my window making me yelp

Erza! Someone shouts as I walk towards the window opening it seeing Gray

What the heck are you doing here?! I shout

Stand back I'm coming up. He tells me so I stood back as he used our cherry blossom tree to get into my window.

What are you doing here? I ask

Well you said I needed to earn your forgiveness and since we are ditching school I'm taking you to the amusement park. He tells me

No thanks I ain't missing school. I reply

I'm not taking no for an answer and besides i already told your school your not feeling well. He tells me blocking me from leaving the room as I sigh

Fine. I mumble

Great,you get ready while I go have breakfast. He tells me walking out of my room into the living room...yeah walk like you own the place

After getting dressed i went downstairs seeing Gray eat my strawberries

Dude! I yell as he looks at me

Uh...I ate it by accident it uh just fell into my mouth. He tells me as I shake my head. Hey it's nice of you to wear clothes matching mine. He says smirking as I looked at him wearing black jeans,a blue shirt,black jacket with white Adidas,same as me only with a lighter shirt and black jacket

I'll go change. I tell him

No wait you look gorgeous in it,let's just go. He tells me as I hide my blush

After reaching the amusement park it was still kinda dark seeing as it's six in the morning.

Alright let's go have some fun! He yells dragging me laughing hysterically. Man he's good at dismissing what happened yesterday.

After a while of running we stopped in front of a candy stand.

Two cotton candy. Gray says as we got one pink and one blue cotton candy and he surprisingly chose the pink one

We went on the Farris wheel first and while I was having a blast Gray looked like he was about to throw up any moment but lucky we got off.

Had enough? I ask

N-no let's go on the others. He tells me walking towards the tornado

Alright then. I reply following him

So the deal with this tornado ride was that we had to hold on to some poles to help balance our self because of the chamber rotating and unfortunately for Gray he couldn't hold on anymore so he just laid in the middle looking green as I laugh my ass off...well not literally

You look great. I tell him chuckling

You think this is funny? He asks as I nod. Well. He mumbles before pulling me down as we were thrown to each of the chambers corners laughing hysterically

After our rides we decided to ditch the amusement park and went to a fancy restaurant

We can't go in there dressed like this. I tell him

We ain't going in there we are going to the ROVIP lounge. He tells me smirking

What? I ask but he just walked around the restaurant climbing up a ladder against the wall as I followed

Where are we going? I ask

The moon. He replies as I roll my eyes but after arriving on the roof I saw a poster of the moon. Welcome to the RFVIP lounge meaning roof for very important people. He says smirking

What are we gonna eat? I ask as he pulled out a piece of strawberry cake out of nowhere

Magical cake. He tells me

Aren't you gonna eat? I ask him

Nah,you enjoy. He says smirking so I forced the spoon into his mouth as he choked. Why do wanna kill me so bad Scarlet? He asks harshly as I turn away in embarrassment. Hey I'm joking. He says softly

Didn't sound like it. I reply as he hugged me from behind.

I'm sorry. He mumbles as we stood in silence. Hey I just realized it's dark. He says as i look up seeing the stars

I love stars. I tell him

Yeah me too,I believe that pattern is Erza-major. He says in a teasing tone as I chuckle

We should probably head back now. I tell him as he groans

I wanna spend more time with you. He says leaning into my neck

It's getting late and tomorrow is school. I tell him

Schools are for fools. He replies as I chuckle

Let's go. I tell him as he sighs in defeat

After we climbed into his car he rode off past my house.

Where are we going? I ask

You don't wanna forgive me so die! He shouts locking the doors and speeding up

You're crazy! I shout

Yes crazy in love with you! He shouts as I close my eyes when we suddenly stopped as he ties a piece of cloth around my eyes before taking me out of the car bridal style

Please stop! I shout as he took of my blindfold. Wait where are we? I ask as he laughs hysterically

Oh my god! I can't believe you bought my act. He says in between laughter as I pout. I don't known if you remember but this is where we first met when we were kids,the riverbank. He tells me as he went over towards a bench to sit down.

I do remember. I reply walking over to sit next to him as he put his jacket around me before laying his head on my shoulder.

I really missed you. He says as I smile

I missed you too. I reply

After sitting at the riverbank for a while he decided to take me home and walked me to my door...what a gentleman

Again thanks for tonight,here's your jacket I tell him

Anytime and keep the am I forgiven? He asks with puppy dog eyes

Maybe. I reply

Say yes or I'll kiss you. He says making smooching sounds

Fine I forgive you. I say as he smirks

Do this again sometime? He asks

I'd love that...good night. I tell him standing on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek

Good night. He says smiling

After we said our good nights I went into the house as he walked away.

Yes! He says cerebrating doing the toosie-slide challenge

I can still see you. I tell him laughing as he turned around

Oh sorry I was just um practicing my soccer kicking skills...yeah that. He says nervously

Liar. I tell him

Fine I'm just happy. He mumbles

Because I forgave you? I ask

No...because you're in my life again. He says with a wink as i blush. Still got the charms. He says smirking as I roll my eyes

Bye Gray. I greet

Bye my Scarlet queen. He says blowing a kiss as I catch it

Is it just me or are we acting a little more than friends either way...I love it

That's all for now guys
Till next time
Peace out😎

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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Grayza: PS: I love youWhere stories live. Discover now