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After talking to many people the show started. It was very different than in Korea. The women's style in America are almost half-naked when it's like -5 outside. It's the cultures that make it different, if you wore that in Korea they'll probably kick you out or not let you preform in that.

The host began naming different categories of the winners this year. Appa told me that he'd be also watching it with the family at home.

"Now we're going to naming the nominations for this year starting with the album of the year" this host announced

I've seen this part multiple times back in Korea. Nothing interesting happens between this part.

"Next we have best music producer" the host slowly opens the envelope

I wonder who would be the best here in the states. I have heard of a couple of people that I get inspiration from. I was very curious to see the winner

"And the winner is...... Ms. A.J also is known as Jeon Abigail!"

The crowd cheers and the spotlight is in me. My eyes widen, I had almost choked in my water. Did I hear that right? I might have had too much wine tonight.

"Woo, you go girl!" Hasley cheered

I shyly walk up on stage and take the award.

"Well, um I honestly was not expecting this. I feel honored to be selected as the best music producer. I want to say thank you to my family and fans that are watching, I couldn't have done it without you guys. I had a hard life growing up, my mom died 4 years ago. I had a close connection with her but when she left my life fell apart and I was not the same." I begin crying and wipe some tears with my hand

"I tried to find ways to replace that connection. I thought that by making friends or trying to change myself would work but they didn't. I've realized that music had been with me throughout my entire life. It was with me when I felt sad and when I felt lonely. My friends had been so helpful to me in trying to help me find myself again. With some time I found my passion for making music and trying to help people with it. My mom used to a music producer and singer too so that's why I became one but I had realized that it was what I had been looking for my whole life. It was the missing piece. Thank you for nominating me and supporting me throughout my journey."

The whole crowd did a standing ovation. I was surprised by how many people enjoyed my speech. I felt good and proud of myself. This award was a symbol of how much I've accomplished.

When the show was over I went back to my hotel and called my family. They were so happy for me

"Abigail congratulations this is a huge accomplishment for you!" Uncle Namjoon smiled

"Honey that was an amazing speech you did!" Auntie Sara added

"Thanks, guys I couldn't believe that would even be nominated, there were so many better artists than me but I was chosen"

"That's because you have something that they don't have, passion. That's very important because you put in your heart and soul in making the music. Your very talented just like your eomma" Appa smiles

"Yeah you're right, I just wanted to show you the award they gave me, it's so heavy"

"Haha, wait until you have more awards, your shelf won't even support it!" Uncle Jimin laughed

"Jimin stop bragging the awards to her, you should be encouraging her instead of making her feel bad" uncle J-hope slapped Jimin on the back

"Hey sorry I was trying to help"

"Well, it's not working so just keep your mouth shut!" Uncle Jin shouted

"Ok guys I should be going, I can't wait to see you again. Soon we'll have that Christmas dinner we have every year." I say trying to stop an argument from happening.

"Ne, we should let you go, don't worry about us we have everything in control" Appa smiles.

I wave goodbye to them and turn off my phone when I heard Yuri come through my door to check me up

"Ms. Jeon you should be in bed by now, you have a busy schedule tomorrow, you'll be going back to Korea and spend Christmas day with your family" she reminded me as she hands me my PJs

"Ok gamsahabnida Yuri for informing me, I can't wait to see them again" I yawn

"Your welcome now sleep well and if you need me just call me" she politely bows and leaves the PJs on the bed. I quickly did my nightly routine and slide in my warm fuzzy PJs.

When I turned the lights off I saw the Christmas lights outside flickering in the night. Christmas in LA was beautiful and was a wonderful experience. Even though I didn't get to see it with eomma I enjoyed my time staying here. Tomorrow we will celebrate Christmas and my achievement of getting into the Grammies.

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I was going to miss LA, but someday I'd like to come back with Appa and stay there longer. When I arrived home I was surprised by balloons and a banner that said "Welcome back" and another one saying "Congratulations". As a tradition every Christmas our family would go back and watch videos of us when we were little or when Appa was a young kid.

"Haha look at Jungkook's hair, it looks like a coconut!" Jimin laughed

"Forget Jungkook's hair look at Namjoon, what happened man?" Jin laughed with his signature windshield laugh.

As we slide through the photos and videos the room was filled with laughter and joy. Then we saw a picture of eomma when we went to visit my grandparents. The room was dead silence,

"Wow, she was so pretty" Appa expressed as he admired that picture

"Indeed she was, she looks so much like Abigail" uncle J-hope added

"She also had a strong will too, she wouldn't let anyone mess with her!" Uncle Taehyung laughed

"Yeah she did, and if we didn't listen to her we would have been in so much trouble" Jeonsan added

Some tears started to fall down my face but this time it wasn't with sadness, it was a different feeling. I was happy to see how much memories we've made with her. Everyone started telling stories, funny and embarrassing ones about her which made it seem like she was still with us. Even though I missed her so much I couldn't wait to see what has more to come in the future so we can look back and see what we have accomplished and tell stories about them like with Eomma. I wanted to someday make a legacy like her.

2 years later:

After working my butt off for 2 years I finally finished college and got my diploma. My popularity has gotten even bigger since I got when I appeared in the Grammies. Many companies and celebrities from all over the world wanted to collaborate and work with me. Thankfully Yuri takes care of that, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by so much work but she does I great job of keeping things organized. I have broken records and made history just like my parents. Jeonsan had also become popular with his bandmates, they're working on a new album and concept do it their fans. I could tell that he was passionate about what he does. He keeps this motto "Living without passion is like being dead" he got that from Appa. The BTS group is now all over the world. All of America knows about them because of that song 'Dynamite' which debuted them to become known to Western music. I couldn't be happier with my life, even though I don't have a boyfriend, had found love, or have many friends. I still had my family and eomma in my heart. Money and fame could not replace that but it can be hard to try to balance that in life. I know that I'm not perfect but if we don't make mistakes how can we learn from them? I have a whole new future ahead of me. I was satisfied with the journey I made while finding my missing piece. If it weren't for that I wouldn't be here where I am. But my journey has not stopped here. There is a whole world to explore and live. Always something new each day, I will live my life to the fullest while still pressuring my passion for music.

We shall wait and see the next missing piece I will encounter in life.

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