CH 2- My horrible job.

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I slowly open the door while putting an emotionless expression on my face.
As I walk in I see three men in the room.
"Ah, Electra, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Libutual and Mr. Mint," the boss said while pointing out each man.
“Aw, so nice to finally meet you, Electra. As Techs said I am, Mr. Libutual.  ” a little man in a gray striped suit says, sticking out his hand for me to shake. He was a stout man with a slightly tan complexion with dirty blonde hair that is turning gray.  As his hand is just up in the air waiting for me to shake, I look at Techs wondering why these men are here. As if he could hear my thoughts, “ These fine men are here with a deal,” he says with a tone that I couldn’t quite understand. That worried me, to say the least, I could almost always tell what he is feeling even though he never shows it.
    After a few minutes of having his hand out to shake mine, he lowers it.
“ And this is Mr. Mint,” the little man said pointing to a taller man, not as tall as Techs but taller than me. Of course, I am only 5’2  but still, he is quite a tall man. As Mr. Libutual introduced him, he was just staring at me, sizing me up as people often did. After all, no one thinks that a little girl can do tough guy stuff.
“ Anyway, how about we get to into the details. Shall we?” Mr. Libutual said after realizing that I wouldn’t say anything.
“ What is this deal, boss?” I said in my usual dead tone.
“Well, it’s about-” Techs stated.
“It’s about how our company wants to send you undercover!” Mr. Libutual says practically bouncing up and down with joy.
“WHAT?!” I shouted.
“I’m an assassin, not an undercover agent. And I’m not for you to sell off whenever you need to ally with someone” I yelled at Techs while pointing a finger at him.
“Calm down, now,” he said with a warning tone. If I were anybody else, I would have recoiled. Even the two other men flinched.  But I know that he would ever hurt me, after all, I’m his ‘most prized possession’.
   “This is happening and that is final,” he said with his hand on my shoulder, giving me a stern, fatherly glare.
“Fine, but after this, we need to talk,” I told him with a glare of my own.
Hey, sorry for taking so long to update. I just started my 11th grade year.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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