The Only Chapter

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The squad was gathered at their usual lunch table, teasing James and Thomas about their obvious crushes on each other. James was blushing beet red and Thomas was about to murder everyone with a spork. Everyone ate their lunch, Thomas still being pissed. James pretending as if nothing had ever happened at the lunch table. That's when Peggy got a great idea. All Alexander saw was Peggy whispering in Laff's ear, but then the french man spoke aloud, "If you two really don't like each other; prove it by going on a double date with me and Herc." Thomas stares into Laff's eyes like he is about to go grab a spork and murder everyone but Thomas then just runs after Laff with a spork. Lafayette runs like a serial killer is murdering him but still laughs. Alex looks amused but it's probably only because Thomas is upset. John starts recording with his phone, "Look at those dudes." "Please don't kill each other!" Eliza runs after the two men. Aaron Burr stares from a separate table in the lunchroom and his glare says "I'm so glad I'm not friends with those idiots anymore."James screams "BE CAREFUL THOMAS!! YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO RUN IN THE HALLWAY!!!" 30 mins later just before lunch is about to end Jefferson and Laffy come back. Thomas looks exhausted while Lafayette has a wide grin. "He is doing it." Says the Frenchman. Thomas looks sad "Laff broke my spork" James goes and hugs Thomas "its okay tommy I can get you another one." "You really aren't making us ship you guys any less," John says, putting his phone back in his pocket.

Timeskip brought to you by the fact im not tired at all

"These breadsticks are like mini baguettes." Lafayette says. Thomas stares at the bread as if he had made a sudden realization (which he had). Even if Olive Garden was Italian, Laff could pretend. Thomas gets up and says, "I need to use the restroom." Thomas gets into the men's room and thinks "I think I do have a crush on James, his face is just my type." Thomas then says aloud " I AM GAY." An old dude walked out of a stall "Good to know little guy." Thomas looks down on the man and grabs his new spork out of his pocket "WTF YOU SAY?" the old man runs out of the man's room scared. "THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT" Thomas looks back in the mirror. "It is now my sworn duty to win James Madison over!"

Meanwhile at the table Lafayette and Hercules are whispering to each other "Do you think he is having his gay realization right now?" Hercules whispers to Laf. "For sure." The french boyo says back. James fidgets with his hands worrying if Thomas is okay he thinks "is he okay, is he dying? I NEED TO KNOW." Just then Thomas Jefferson comes back. He is alive too, which relieves James. He slides back into his seat besides James, studying his features for a moment. "It was definitely gay realization." Lafayatte says to Herc. Thomas looked over at Laff "what did you say." He then goes back to staring at James. The waiter comes "How may I help you guys today if you would like to order drinks that would be nice." Lafayette orders a martini, Herc orders a beer, Thomas orders red wine, James orders water because he doesn't drink. But it's sparkling water so it's not completely boring." Okay I will be back with your drinks shortly' the waiter says with a fake smile. The waiter comes back with the drinks, and pases them out. James sips his water very slowly then say"This doesn't taste like water" Thomas says "Let me taste it" Thomas sips the water and it turns out to be vodka "James its vodka"

James runs to go wash his mouth out with soap. Thomas laughs his ass off "It was just vodka." Herc laughs. James comes back and sits in his spot. "James, you're a fat baby," Thomas says, still laughing. James looks slightly upset by the comment and Thomas feels a pang of guilt. "But it's cute." Thomas tries to fix it but realizes he fucked up when he sees the other two wiggling their eyebrows from across the table. Thomas starts blushing because he likes how James is pouting. James confusingly says "Thomas why are you blushing??" "It's just hot in here." "This is the coldest effing Olive Garden i've ever been in." Hercules says.

More timeskip magic because i am Peggy

"Anyways sorry about having to do this whole thing it's really awkward." James rubs his neck. "Don't apologize, you're not the one who lost in a vicious battle to Lafayette." Thomas says. "Plus it was fun."" Also James I need to do something before we go home for the summer." Thomas says.... Thomas kisses James on the cheek "You're a dummy Thomas you missed" James says then James moves Thomas's head so his lips connect with his. "There you go Thomas." Thomas blushes so hard he looks like a damn strawberry. Thomas runs to his car screaming "Bye guys!!!." Hercules and Lafayette high five, having seen this happen. They then intertwine their fingers and drop their arms so they are holding hands. "A job well done." Lafayette says.


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