chapter 1

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i'm currently sitting in my room on a sunday night listening to green day and trying to get my brain working. anyway hope you guys liked it i will be posting chapter 2 very soon


it's my first day at hogwarts and holy shit i was nervous.

i mean it's everyone else's 4th year so they already have a head start.

"you know, mum, i could just stay here. with you." i smiled sweetly and she rolled her eyes.

"it will be great for you y/n!" i groaned here we go, "your gonna meet so many new friends and learn all about magic!" she babbled on as she threw my bags in the trunk of our nearly broken car.

i cringed as the back number plate fell off. mum and i looked at eachother and laughed.

"i'll fix that later." she waved it off. i smiled and chuckled at her. she was always positive so i didn't know where my negativity came from.

"your gonna do great things, y/n. your father would be so proud of you," i swallowed and watched the tall trees morph into eachother as we sped down the highway.

"i know." i managed to choke out.

my mum had business to take care of so she gave a quick squeeze at the car.

"remember at least once a week owl me, okay?" i rolled my eyes and smiled.

"i know mum, i'll see you on the holidays. don't be late!" i yelled as she sped away waving out the window.

i sighed and spun around squinting my eyes to see platform 9.

i dragged my heavy items all the way there ignoring the weird stares of muggles.

as i got there i looked around briefly before i ran straight through 9 and 3/4.

i sighed in relief as i saw all the wizards and witches and i felt more at ease.

i quickly found an empty compartment and sat looking out the window.

i bit my nails and let my leg bounce up and down. anxiety is the worst.

"hey have you seen a toad? neville has lost it again," a brown haired girl rolled her eyes. she looked at me and gasped.

"you must be new, i'm Hermoine granger. what year are you in?" she asked shaking my hand and plopping herself down in front of me. i smiled.

"4th year. i'm a bit late," i cringed and she laughed.

"better late then never i guess," she said and i nodded. i liked her she was nice.

"Hermoine did you find it neville won't shut up!" an orange hair boy peered around the corner. i smiled awkwardly as he stared at me.

"Ron don't be rude! say hi or something!" she frowned and he rubbed his arm.

"hi," he said as he gave a small half smile.

"i'm y/n," i smiled.

"well, y/n, you should be getting your robes on i expect we will be arriving soon." she said standing up.

"well i best help neville find his toad before he goes mad, i'll see you around." i smiled and nodded.

"nice meeting you," Ron squeaks out.

"you too." i chirped as they left.

i let out a breath and rolled my eyes. way to be out going y/n.

i got into slytherin. i was scared because i didn't know anyone at the table and they all looked at me in disgust.

great i love being the new girl.

i didn't feel like food so i made my way to the my dorm.

then realised i didn't know where it was.

i stood in the hallway legit just staring.

"what are you doing?" a blonde hair boy asked and i turned to him jumping.

"uh standing?" i questioned looking around.

"of course the new girls are always weird." he said scoffing looking me up and down.

"excuse me?" i know the lanky boy ain't talking. i'm ignoring the fact that he's quite cute.

"you heard. i don't think your cut out to be a slytherin, honestly you should just go home." he snarled and my mouth dropped.

"you don't even know me you ass! why don't you go jerk off or something ." i say feeling a little hurt. he widened his eyes but soon went back to being cold faced.

"big mouth for such a shy thing." he said referring to dinner and spun around walking away.

the nerve of that disrespectful piece of absolute shi-

"y/n?" i spun around and saw hermoine and sighed in relief.

"do you know where the slytherin dorms are by any chance?" i asked and she nodded.

"down the hall to the right and then a left." i gave her a guilty smile feeling embarrassed.

"thankyou so much," i swung around after she gave me a polite smile and follow the directions she had given me.

finally i walk into my assigned room and see my belongings on the bed.

i started to put my clothes away and groaned in boredom.

i can do that tomorrow i thought smiling and chucking the half empty trunks under my bed.

i had made my bed with the sheets i love and the blanket my grandma made for me a few years ago before she passed.

i laiddown after getting into my pjs and rested my head on the pillow facing the wall.

i grabbed my small teddy with my favourite red bow and hugged it tight to my chest.

i made it dad. i'm finally going to become a witch. just like you always hoped.

i smiled swallowing the tears.

tomorrow would be better.

i would make friends and i would excel at classes.


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