Twenty One - Good-Byes & Lies

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"She's quite weird..."

"So is everybody else in this place," I recognized that voice as the girl that talked to me a few nights ago.

I lay still on my bed, trying not to move a muscle. I knew that the two girls who I still did not know the names of were standing over me, watching me and gossiping about me. They had been for the past ten minutes.

"I guess. But who else has nightmares?"

"Julie, you know that I used to have nightmares when I first came here." The mysterious girl said.

"Well, you didn't scream your bloody head off though." Julie replied.

I felt a hand run over my hair and tried not to stiffen. "Why are you so against her?" Mystery Girl asked.

"Why are you defending her?" I could imagine Julie crossing her arms.

The girl sighed, "its a lot to explain. And Andy could wake up at any minute and hear what we're saying." I hear The Mystery girl's knees crack as she stood to her full height, I imagine. "We should go."

Julie let out a grunt, or what sounded like a grunt and walked away loudly.

Just before I heard the door click to the frame, The Mystery Girl spoke one last time.

"I miss Rick too, An."

★ ☆ ★

Six hours later, Colton had a smile on his face that made me scared. "Happy Birthday," he sang and skipped down the hall of the orphange. When he was at the door, he asked; "Are you ready to go?"

I hesitated. "Maybe I should say bye to everyone?" His face twisted into realization that I wasn't come back to this place now that I'm eighteen.

"Right. Of course."

I lead him into the small longue room where about seven small kids were seated. They all smiled up at me once they noticed I was in the room.

I bent down to them and smiled back. "I know I didn't spend much time with you guys, but it was a great two weeks. I'll miss you." Six of the little ones crawled around me and wrapped me in a huge hug. I didn't fret that the seventh one didn't make a move, he's always been suspicious of me.

Once the good-bye was said, I went into the kitchen where Susie was with the three teenagers.

One of them was mystery girl.

One of them knew Rick.

"I'm leaving now... So, uh, good bye. It was nice to be here Susie,so thank you." I said, getting ready to turn and walk through the door, when one of the girls ran into me and wrapped her arms around me.

In a hushed rush, she said, "meet me at the park down the road tomorrow at nine." That's when I realized she is The Mystery Girl.

She looked quite familiar, but I couldn't place a name to her face. She obviously knew Rick, so maybe I'd met her?

I nodded quickly, just when Colton walked through the door behind me.

"Hey, Andy-" he stopped abruptly and stood staring at the girl who had her arms wrapped around me. "Uh, hi."

I raised my eyebrows at him, and held down a smirk. He obviously was mesmerized by her beauty. And she sure was beautiful.

She had blonde, wavy hair that fell to her shoulders. She was quite pale, with green eyes and full lips. She's very pretty, a good body and long legs. I'm guessing she's sixteen if she was friends with Rick.

She, who still hasn't told me her name, stepped back from me and blushed, looking at Colton. "Hi..." 

He stuck his hand out to her, "I'm Colton." She took his hand and shook it. I could tell she was trying not to smile at Colton's charms. "And you are?"

She glanced at me and back at Colton. "My name's -"

Suddenly someone burst through the door behind me. It's James. "C'mon, man. What's taking so long?"

Colton sighed, turning from Mystery Girl and to James. I was already looking at him.

God, his perfect. When he spoke my stomach was full with butterflies.

Every time.

I don't know when I fell for him. If it was the first time I saw him, or when we became friends. Or only recently. But I know that it's real, and I fell hard.

"- and we need to go now if we want go get in there. It's five o'clock." James finished. He looked over at me staring at him, and I quickly turned away. The blush was rising up on my cheeks; I could feel it.

When Colton and I turned back, Mystery Girl was gone. We turned to each other, raised eyebrows. I shrugged, and followed James outside the orphanage, Colton not far behind me.

Once we were all in James' BMW, Colton put his arm around me.

"So... Are you ready to party?"

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