Last Day of School

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*So, I wrote this before Will and David left, but I kept going so yeah. Enjoy!!


Today is the last day of school, and I can tell that everyone is in a good mood. I am so excited! I want to start the summer off good, so I'm being extra perfect. Even though I do good every day, I want to be perfect because earlier today my homeroom teacher told the class that whoever does exactly what they're supposed to for the entire day will be "Best Student of the Last Day of School in Mr. Hodges' Homeroom." I know that it sounds rediculous, but what I didn't mention is that the winner got a free pass to the vacation pool for the entire summer! Since my parents refused to get a pool for me, this would be perfect for me and my friends. My best friend, Erica is throwing an "Out of School" party, but it's a slumber party. Derreck, our highschool's senior jock, heard about it and told his entire grade. Erica tried to explain to him that it was only going to be 9th through 11th grade girls there (because her sister is a freshman) and that it was a girls-only sleepover, but that is the main reason that he wants to come. Anyways I didn't win the pass because some dude running to class bumped into me and made me drop all of my books including his. I simply gave him a helpful reminder to be more aware of the halls, and he told the principal that I yelled at him and threw his books down. Well Mr. Hodges heard, and that marked me right off of the list especially for being late. Buuuut, lucky for me, my classmate, Brian won for doing absolutely nothing but staring out in front of him, so Mr. Hodges 'thought' that he was paying attention when anyone could clearly see that he was daydreaming. Well back to the point, Brian is going on vaction to the Bahamas, so I got him to give the the pass to me with my charm....okay and $25.00.

(A picture of Jasmine at the top)

Stay with Me (Dana Vaughns Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora