Chapter 3

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(A/n I'm back (maybe) sorry for the wait)


Kenzie seemed a little too excited when I asked her to come have dinner with my family then stay the night, but I didn't really think much of it even though deep inside of me I knew that she was crushing on my brother (I'm not sure how anyone could like him, he's just a terrible person all around.) And it probably wasn't a good idea considering I don't really know how my parents would react to some random girl in their house but then again they probably wouldn't even care what I do, nor would my grandparents. But just incase I went down stairs to ask my mom if Kenzie could stay over.
"Hey, mom!" I yelled while walking down the stairs to our living room.
"Yes, Alex?" She asked annoyed at my sudden presence in the room.
"Can a friend of mine come over for dinner, then stay the night afterwards?"
"Yeah sure, start cleaning your room though." After my mom said that I went to do the task.

(15 minutes later) (still Alex's POV)

It's been about 15 minutes of cleaning and getting my things in order. I picked up my phone and saw that I had a text message from Kenzie, I opened the message and it read: I'll be there in 5 minutes. Sent at 6:20pm
I checked the time and saw it was 6:25pm thinking to myself that she should be arriving soon. Just then my phone made a *ding* sound like it does when I get a text. I opened it was another text from Kenzie saying that she was here. I shut my phone off and threw it on the bed and rushed downstairs to greet her at the door.

I opened the door for her and said, "Hey, it's good to see you, even though I just saw you yesterday, but hi." I stepped aside allowing her to walk through the doorway, she slid off her shoes before setting foot on the living room flooring. We had gone upstairs to my room where we'd chill for a little while before dinner.

(Timeskip 1 hour)(It's just gonna stay as Alex's pov until I say otherwise)

We had finished our dinner plans with my grandparents, they went home, Adam I don't even want to know where he was considering he wasn't even at dinner (probably getting high with his friends, or fucking some girl). With no clue when he was getting home (the more he stays out the less I have to see him, which makes me happy), my parents both went out for drinks so they probably won't be back until midnight. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was only 7:30pm thinking to myself 'well we have sometime to kill here'. With nobody being home that just leaves me to do the dishes (like always) and Kenzie just to stand and watch me. She had offered to help but I didn't really need any help so I just told her: "you know you can go watch something on the tv until I'm done with these" she replied with an "okay" and walked away into the living room.

I soon got done with the stupid dishes and putting them in their rightful places. I walked in the living room and sat next to Kenzie while watching what she had put on which was MTV'S Teen Wolf (a/n my favorite tv show) amazing show. It was the first episode of the first season but it was still amazing. I then said "Hey I have all of the first season recorded, do you want to binge watch them?" She looked over at me with a grin on her face and said "What kind of question is that? Of course I do!" With that I had turned on the next episode when we were finished with the 1st one.

(Another Timeskip)

After a few hours of binging, my parents had come back home completely wasted and went to bed, which Kenzie and I agreed that we should get something to snack on and drink and change into more comfortable clothing and grab some blankets. We both changed our clothes, I ran upstairs to grab the blankets that were currently being stored in my closet. Meanwhile, Kenzie was in the kitchen getting something for us to drink from the fridge. I walked back down the stairs to the living room and threw the blankets on the couch and walked over to the pantry closet to see what we've got in there for food. After looking for a minute I finally grabbed a few things and headed back to the living room, there I saw Kenzie with 2 glasses with some soda in them on the coffee table. I looked over and saw there was a large bottle of Diet Coke on the floor, so I assumed that's what the beverage was in the glasses.
"Okay, I got some pretzels, Cheez-its and just some regular potato chips. Is this stuff okay for you?" Kenzie nodded in response, so I sat down putting the food down on the coffee table as well. I was enjoying the pretzels (a/n as I'm eating pretzels right now) and Kenzie was enjoying the Cheez-Its. We both were getting so into the current episode we were forgetting that blinking was a thing.

I continued to watch 3 more episodes before I had started to feel tired. I shut the tv off and lied with my eyes closed in the darkness of the room, enjoying the silence (which never happens in this insanely loud family). Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard a very loud sound coming from around the front door, I stood up from the couch with a sigh. Walking over to the front door I soon was able to identify the person responsible for making all the noise. It was….

a/n Im sorry I had to leave it on that note if I hadn't I don't know where I would've ended, I would've just kept writing forever. I hope it doesn't take as long as it did for me to get this chapter out (it better not) I'm not sure when ill have the next one out but it will be sometime by the end of the month. I didnt really know what I wanted to do with this chapter but I think it came out fine.

-not really edited, but its good enough-

Word count - 1102

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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