Introduction + anatomy

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What is a grasshopper?

What are grasshoppers you might ask.If you don't know what a grasshopper is it is a type of insect, but unlike most insects grasshoppers have huge back legs and a long thick abdomen.They also have a pair of wings attached to their abdomen.

Grasshoppers also have two antennae and a round face with two big eyes at the top of their heads.They also have two massive jaws for chewing their food and biting.If you ever try to catch one make sure to keep your fingers away from it's jaws!Speaking of their mouths...Grasshoppers can's not like llama spit though.It usually comes out of their mouth as a dark brown liquid but can sometimes be lighter or greenish.Grasshopper spit can't harm you but I don't recommend eating it though.

Grasshopper spit can't harm you but I don't recommend eating it though

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Pic here is just found off of google lol

Grasshopper anatomy 

Grasshoppers can have long thin bodies or round plump bodies.It usually depends on the grasshopper type though.But usually grasshoppers will be leaning towards the plump side.If you didn't know grasshopper are separated into three parts;head,thorax,and abdomen.I'll start with the head first.


Grasshopper heads are an oval-ish shape with two bulging eyes at the top.In between their eyes they have their antennae which helps them feel and sense the world around them.Their head is also home to their jaws...A Grasshoppers jaws aren't very painful compared to other insect bites and stings.Most of the time their jaws don't even pierce the skin.The only other thing they can do with their mouth is spit.Their spit is usually a red brown or dark brown but can be light browns and greens.Grasshopper spit isn't harmful but always wash your hands after being spit on by a grasshopper.That about wraps the head simply.


The thorax on a grasshopper is basically the midsection of it.The thorax is an exo skeleton too because it is hard and not easily broken.An interesting thing about the grasshoppers thorax is that like a handprint the patterns on the thorax are never the same on grasshoppers.Each grasshopper is unique.Moving on anyway...Legs!Grasshoppers have six legs and all of them are attached to the thorax.First we have the front legs which are attached at the front of the thorax.They are used for holding things,eating,and grooming.The next legs are the what I like to call middle legs.They are literally only used for walking and holding onto things.Lastly we have the hind legs and wings.They are both attached near the end of the thorax.Hind legs are used for jumping and quickly moving along the ground.Finally wings!There is four wings on a grasshopper I call the first pair "cover wings."Cover wings are covers for the softer lighter wings undernearth.Cover wings are heavier and thicker than the main wings.Main wings!Main wings are thin and kind of like tissue paper.They are usually folded up and wrinkly but when a they unfold they have beautiful patterns and such on them.Grasshoppers can glide longways with these wings when they jump.But the main wings have a big flaw.Since they're like tissue paper they rip easily, so when a grasshopper gets its wings chewed or ripped they can have issues flying and unfolding their wings.But that about wraps up the thorax.


A grasshoppers abdomen is where it's eggs are kept and everything is digested.Their hearts are also inside their abdomens.Grasshopper abdomens are the longest part of the grasshopper.Usually grasshopper wings are about as long as their abdomen.Their abdomens are also divided into segments, each little segment has a pattern of some sort usually.The abdomen is also home to the butt...but I think we know what happens around the butt...anyways enjoy this pictures of grasshoppers.

anyways enjoy this pictures of grasshoppers

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I just found these off google if u didn't know lol

But anyway onto the next part

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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