Part 4

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The naked boy freaks out as this young naked demon girl comes crawling up out of the ground, which then opens up into a molten lava pit, which is searing hot and it is the naked boy's very own pit of hell that will burn the naked boy's sweaty sinful flesh in torment for eternity.

The naked boy on seeing his very own pit of hell waiting to burn his sweaty sinful flesh for eternity, attempts to escape from the cave but is quickly overpowered by the naked demon girl who drags the screaming naked boy over to his pit of hell and pushes him into it. 

The three young naked girls gather around the naked boy's pit of hell and watch the naked boy burns in torment for eternity as the naked boy who can't die or melt, screams in pain as the searing  molten lava burns the naked boy's sweaty sinful flesh....

The three young naked girls gather around the naked boy's pit of hell and watch the naked boy burns in torment for eternity as the naked boy who can't die or melt, screams in pain as the searing  molten lava burns the naked boy's sweaty sinful flesh

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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