Chapter III: Intrigue

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"This is the last one." declared Mayu before pushing her empty glass towards Decim.

The bartender wasn't very convinced. Mayu had been saying the same thing since she finished her first drink, and the way things were going, it looked like her statement would not hold true.

Still, Decim kept his mouth shut in a firm line, only speaking when absolutely necessary. After all, his job was to serve customers and patrons, not entertain. Most of the time, Quindecim's visitors didn't care. After all, they didn't come there to engage in meaningful conversations with their bartender about the meaning of life. They came there for the alcohol and a good time, naturally. The same cycle, over and over again. Guests would exit the elevator, come inside, have a few drinks, play some games, and leave. But this time, things seemed a little bit different. Or rather, these guests were different.

For starters, they were acquainted with Nona. She was a little on the eccentric side, which brought Decim to the assumption that she didn't have many friends. Apparently, he was mistaken. These two girls- they seemed like polar opposites. Mayu was loud, cheerful, and slightly airheaded. On the other hand, Chiyuki was polite and thoughtful.

Chiyuki. That name, it seemed to fit perfectly in Decim's mouth. To him, practically everything about Chiyuki seemed to fit perfectly. Perhaps it was the way not a single one of her hairs fell out of place, falling behind her shoulders in a sleek, jet-black, wave. Perhaps it was the way her eyes caught the light perfectly, enchanting puddles of crimson red. Or, it was her voice. The flawless balance of her cadence, echoing through the vast bar. A bar that felt more like a prison than a workplace, at times.

Decim bit the inside of his cheek, scolding himself for having such thoughts. He wasn't quite familiar with this feeling- whatever it was. He had never felt any kind of bond between him and his fellow humans. Whether it be romantic or platonic. They all came off as distant, beyond understanding. Decim did not like this. He liked to understand, to know everything. Limits, parameters, definitions: everything. But feelings? Emotions? To him, getting a grasp on them was next to impossible. He was a human, right? Empathizing should be simple, almost second nature.

It's not, though. I'm not sure what this is. Physical attraction, maybe?

He shook his head. No. Well, not completely at least. There's something else for sure. I don't even know how I can even make this assumption, but I can't shake the feeling that there's more to her. Hidden beneath the exterior, like a Russian nesting doll. She radiates a captivating combination of mystery and maturity. It's almost irresistible.

Decim froze, his hands stopping mere inches away from the Vodka bottle. I haven't even had a genuine conversation with her yet, why is this happening? Mayu was not amused, wanting her next beverage as soon as possible.

"Bartendeeeer! Give me the good stuff, now!" Mayu whined, exaggerating her vowels. At this point, Decim couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or her personality that made her seem so immature. Most likely a combination of the two.

The Royal Blue cocktails that Decim was most famous for were delicious, but also incredibly concentrated. 40% alcohol, to be precise. Oftentimes leaving people intoxicated beyond their limits by the end of the night. Mayu had downed at least 4 of them already, and she didn't look like she intended to stop anytime soon. Concerned for the customer's well-being and sanity, Decim exempted the Vodka and Curacao from the recipe, pouring in more cranberry juice and water to compensate, hoping she wouldn't taste the difference. Thankfully, it worked. In her drunken haze, Mayu didn't notice the lack of alcohol in her alcoholic beverage.

"Mmm! Thanks, bartender!" exclaimed Mayu, her words slurred and nearly incoherent.

Decim accepted the compliment with a small nod, his thoughts still wandering elsewhere. His gaze followed, trailing over to the billiards room.

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