Amity Affliction

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Chapter 17

Jess’s POV

The cannons have been firing more frequently now. We used to go for a day without hearing one. Ryden was already on his way to the cornucopia. As soon as he left a heavy rain started to pour. The rest of us where held up in a cavern.  No, cavern makes it seem small. This is a cathedral of stone. I didn't realize we were this far underground.

“It’s been a long time maybe we should go after him.” She said

“He’s only been gone for like 10 minutes at the best, just calm down he’ll be back.” Lidia said trying to comfort her.

The sudden rain makes me feel weary, but I can’t rest know. I know the Game Makers are planning something. The attack on my sister must have been a plan; they lead the other tribute to her, for what reason I don’t know. Maybe Tara’s right he’s been gone for a while, and we can’t afford to lose anyone else. The lightning starts to pick up an actually hits something in the distance. We all look at the smoke coming up from the spot it hit.

“That looks like it’s close to the cornucopia; we have to go check it out,” Tara says, “What if it hit someone.”

“Tara, Lidia can barely move, and even if it did hit someone they’d be dead by now-“

“No, Jess she’s right it’s been too long and Ryden isn’t back, there must be something going on near the cornucopia,” Lidia says, “You guys should go check it out, and I’ll wait here”

“No, I’m not leaving you here alone especially not in the condition you’re in.” I said

“I can handle myself.” She said as another crack of thunder sounded.

More lightning erupted around us, all of them seeming to land in the same place near the cornucopia. In the mist of it all were screams loud enough to make my heart drop into my stomach.  Tara tensed as she heard them she looked at us for a second then ran off into the woods.

“Tara! Stop!” I screamed after her, but my voice was drowned out by another round of lightning. She stopped for a second, then another scream that sounded like Ryden. She was off again running faster than I have ever seen.

It was useless she was faster, and I couldn’t just leave Lidia sitting there like a duck waiting for a career to take her out. I headed back to our cavern to retrieve everything we left behind.

“Did you stop her?” Lidia asks as I walk in.

“No, come on get your stuff,” I say, “we have to go.”

I put her arm around my neck and grab her waist to help her up, and out of the cavern. We start back heading in the direction of the cornucopia where Tara was obviously heading for. The rain pouring down on us made it seem like Lidia was heavier to carry. More lightning, and then I could feel someone following us. I looked all over thinking maybe I was just paranoid, but no a couple of trees over was a shadow. I continued on acting like whoever it was wasn’t there. I had my spear in hand if it got any closer I would surprise attack it. I could hear them running on the wet leaves as they made that crunching noise. Then, there it was right in front of me. It wasn’t human.

It looked like our mom; except its eyeballs were sunken into its sockets and instead of hands it had talons. She was hunched over and looked very menacing. I pushed Lidia behind me as I took the spear out and aimed it at her. Then it opened it mouth and screamed. It was exactly the same scream as my mother’s. I remembered hearing once when there was a rat in our house, and she screamed for us to kill it. But this time it was a pained scream. I held my breathe in; this is just a trick I keep telling myself. I couldn’t move though I couldn’t kill her.

Then in one swift movement her talons were heading right for us. The talons tear through Lidia, leaving three deep gashes in her torso. She screams and is thrown backwards into me. We collapse onto the ground and I try not to look at how deep those cuts are. I manage to stand and try to pull her up.

"Come on," I whisper, unwanted tears in my eyes.

Lidia's breathing is shallow and she stares at the ceiling. Her eyes glisten and shudders run randomly through her mutilated body. This can't be happening. Lidia was going to live, I made sure of it. I didn’t hesitate this time. I stop up and ran straight for the mutt. My spear tearing right through her, as the same scream comes up through its throat. I kick it off my spear, and run back toward Lidia as the tears prick at my eyes.

Hastily, I pull a bandage from my bag and try to dress Lidia's wounds. Her blood dies the bandages red in an instant. She's losing so much blood; we both know that she's not going to pull through. But that won't stop me from trying. I wipe tears from my eyes and she yells as I wrap the bandage round her.

She grabs my hand “Jess. Stop,” She says “We both know I’m not going to make it through this.”

“You’re not going to die.” I sob.

She holds my hand “Make it through this, get home for the both of us okay? Promise me.”



“I Promise, I’ll get out alive for you” I say trying to force a small smile.

She gives a slight smile, then her eyes close and slumps back into my hands. A cannon fires and she gone. Her grip on my hand loosens. I let go of her and stare in horror at her corpse. I failed. I couldn’t even save my own sister. How am I going to get through this now? The rain hits her peaceful face, and I stand there waiting to make sure the helicopter takes her body home. Soon enough the helicopter does arrive. I take all the knives off of her, and stand back as they retrieve my sister’s body.

I head towards the cornucopia.


I know, I Know, I'm awful

First i don't upload until forever

And Now I've killed my main character, Lidia. 

But Don't worry the story's not over  yet. >;3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2012 ⏰

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