The private rooms

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     .... I went where he pointed of course but I ran into a problem there were so many rooms! Oh my gosh it was so confusing! I remembered that he said on the left and he went to get drinks so I went on the left with more rooms and he was right there
He said
"Hey baby"
He grabs me by the arm instantly and slams me against the wall while unzipping his pants
I moan. Loudly. His breath against my face touching my lips while his hands are around me he takes me to a private room,
He touches my face and says
"Are you ok? Baby I'm sorry if I hurt you. Or if I was too harsh I'll be gentle"
I said
"It's ok I promise"
I grabbed his dick and I started sucking on it,hard and he started moaning as loud as he could he stopped me.
He grabbed my legs and threw me on the bed he grabbed his dick and started rubbing it against my clitoris, I started moaning and he slowly started going deeper and deeper until I was screaming
I screamed
My face was all red, smudged mascara there were tears falling from the night. He turned out to be apart of a mafia we're married now we often get free cocaine from Germany we have 2 kids although he's 20 years older then me he's rich and hot and that's all I need

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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