Changing the face of education

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The education system has changed over the years. From black boards and chalk to projectors and e-learning. This industry has witnessed far more changes than the others.

Back in the 20th century, we had traditional learning or lecturing with limited resources. One-way teaching system left many students incompetent to survive the ruthless competitive warfront in the outside world. Back then, students studied through mock tests, essays, guides and sample papers. These books costed parents extra money and a student extra pressure. They were not exposed to digital learning whereas, e-classroom was a dream beyond sight. The teachers focused on grades, the students on ranks and parents on results. The basic learning was confined just within the boundaries of the classroom and tuition.

Then came the age of computer, internet and digital learning which changed the whole education system. The young ones today, begin learning right at the age of 4 to 5 by fiddling with their parent's smartphones and tablets. Schools now have digital classrooms and tuitions are being attended online. The events happening around us make it clear that digital education is indeed a revolution both inside and outside the classroom and that the face of education has severely changed in the recent decades.

Today, the way technology is developing, storing all the information in your brain is not important. The internet has something for everyone, making every mindset of any age satisfactory and every solution to a problem clear.

Going back a bit in time, we used to have blackboards and chalks for classrooms, whereas today, things have changed. White boards, markers, projectors, screens and presentations are the tools of the modern-day education. The change that technology has bought in the education system is massive. It has tremendously bridged the gap between home-learning and school-learning.

Apart from the technological advancements, there are several other changes that are now part of the modern education system. For instance, there was a time when education was solely based on books and academics. As time passed, we realized that education was not merely confined to books but had a very vast meaning. And this was the time when experimental learning became a part of the daily education. Children were taught by demonstrating the concepts in the form of experiments and the use of these concepts in daily life. Another change that took place was the focus on extra-curricular activities.

Back then sports and cultural arts weren't given any special attention. But as the world started to incline towards these activities, education didn't had any choice but to accept this change.

A classroom is now a place for open debates and discussions. A parent is now, fully updated about his/her ward's learnings which is by far the best change this revolution has welcomed. And this revolutionisn't going to stop anytime soon. This is just the beginning; many changesawait us in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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