Chapter Si

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Hey! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. A certain someone seized my laptop. I won't call names. Anyways, this is the next chapter so enjoy :)


I wake up in a big room, and I stare at my surroundings.

'Where am I?' I ask myself silently. I look over to the table beside me and see a tray of food. It kinda looks like hospital food; Celery and potato soup, bread roll and butter and fresh fruit salad. I am just about to take a spoon of the soup when I see Shantel rush in.

'Imani, Imani, are you okay?'

I feel glad to see someone I know so I smile to her and she smiles back. At that moment, I remember everything that happened. Jordan pulling me into....wait Jordan. Is he alright?

'What of Jordan? Is he okay?'

Immediately I said that, I thought I saw her frown a bit. But she puts back her smile.

'The teachers won't let Jordan out of the school.'

I nod solemnly. He must be in really big trouble. I sit up and start to eat my food but I can't help wonder who those guys were and why they were after Jordan. I am just about to finish my bread roll when my mum dashes in.

'Honey, are you alright? What happened?' She turns her head to look at Shantel standing there. I quickly introduce her.

'Oh, this is my friend, Shantel.' She smiles and waves to my mum.

'Hello Shantel. It's lovely to see Imani has made a friend. She doesn't usually make friends....' My mum is interrupted by me tugging at her shirt. She glares at me.

'Shantel, could you please leave us alone for a few minutes? Shantel nods and heads outside.

My mum looks at me worriedly.

'Is she the one that did this to you? Cause if she is.....'

'Mum, stop. She didn't do this. I just fell down the stairs.'

My mom looks at me, in disbelief. I really pray she believes me because I don't want to get Jordan into more trouble. She stares at me for a few more seconds and smiles.

'So how was your first day at school?' I grin as I remember the events of today.

'It was....interesting.'

* * *

A few weeks passed by, I had recovered. Maya, Damian, Shantel and I had become best friends. I was also best friends with Jordan but Shantel didn't like him as he was the one who hurt me. I forgave him but whenever I tried asking him about those guys, he just said,

'Don't worry, cutie pie.'

So I just stopped asking him about it.

I woke up tiredly and brushed my teeth, then had my bath. I put on my clothes. Casual, again, cause I was too tired to pick out clothes. I just wore a white off shoulder top and some denim jeans. Then I put on my sneakers. I tied my hair in a ponytail, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs for breakfast. My mum smiled at me as I came downstairs. Aliya just rolled her eyes.

'Bacon and eggs. Your favourite.'

I grinned and sat down to eat the crunchy bacon. I remembered I wanted to ask my mom something so since she was in a good mood, I decided to pop the question.

'Mum, can I go for a sleepover at Maya's house?' She smiles and nods.

'But you have to be back Sunday morning.' I groan but when I feel her eyes on me, I nod. Aliya gives my mum the sickliest smile and says,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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