Chapter 2

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     When I got to school I snatched my earbuds out of my ears while walking into the building because we can't have them in school for reasons of they want us all to pay attention to succeed or some shit. All I hear while I'm walking to my locker is buzz of a new student. That's unfortunate, another victim for the upperclassmen. I grab my books from my locker before someone else can torture me and head off to one of my favorite classes of the day, English.

     As I enter the classroom I hear mumbling about  someone sitting in my seat. Not today Satan!  I storm over to the back left corner where my desk is, fully prepared to see someone sitting there by mistake since no one sits at my desk. But when I get there I see the person that is sitting there is totally unaware of the fact that it is clearly someone else's seat.

I take in the appearance of the person that is occupying my seat is a male about my age, black hair with a maroon beanie sitting on top his head, and tan skin compared to my pasty white. He's wearing a white v-neck t-shirt with a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans along with black biker boots. It looks like he is in a heated discussion with another student. I clear my throat loudly hoping he will hear me. He pauses the conversation but after a second he ignores me and starts it back up. So this time I clear it louder and tap him a few times on the shoulder. He then turns to me with an annoyed look on his face.

"Yes may I help you?" He asks me as he looks my way, annoyance clear in his deep voice. His bright blue eyes capturing my attention for a moment.

"Umm.... ya your kinda in my seat. And I would like it if you were to move. If you don't I won't be very happy and in return you won't be happy. " I stated making it quite clear that I mean business.

"Ya dude you should move you don't want to touch anything that the goth girl touches. C'mon man you can sit up here by me." Trey Holland tells him. I scoff at the insinuation of me having something they can contract.

"Thanks for your not needed commentary Trey. I can see you're still a dick. So if you wouldn't mind, butt out of it before I beat your ass into next week." I say looking at Trey, I can see that Trey slightly cowers at my threat. Then I turn to the new kid."Can you just move please I've been sitting here since like forever and I need to get some shit done. There are other open seats for you to sit in."

"Trey I'm coming to sit by you. You may have your seat back...." he says trying to get my name. "Jayne." I tell him not wanting anyone else to pipe in and add names that aren't true. "You can have your seat back Jayne. Oh and by the way my name is Ash Sikes." he tells me as he slides out of it.

I see Trey give me a hard look before turning to his new friend that sat next to him. Just by this morning I can already tell that this is going to be a bad week.

Ash's POV

Oh gosh can this guy ever shut up. Trey is so fucking annoying all he wants to talk about is his game at the end of the week and I clearly don't give a shit. I look over my shoulder to glance at her and I notice that her nose is in a book with her shoes perched on the desk.Then I think back to how she was and giggle about how someone so small could hold such anger, I could see in her eyes how pissed off she was getting. I have heard some rumors around the grape vine bout this girl. Apparently she broke a girls nose in one punch, man that's bad ass. I can tell that through her hard exterior she is a softy she just needs someone to soften her up, and I plan on being that person.

" - Addison said I can invite the new kid. So are you going to come?" Trey said.

" What?" I ask since I didn't hear the beginning.

" The  party after the game on Friday." Trey answers back in shock like he was expecting me to pay attention to everything he was saying.

"Oh ya sure. You can pick me up too." I answer quickly. He gives me a shocked look again but I don't really care. "You might want to close your mouth man or some of the gays around here might think that you are offering." Before he can say anything in response the teacher walks in and everyone stops what they are doing, I even hear the rebel behind me drop her feet to the ground and slam her book.
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