chapter 3 ~

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notes: getting a little bit more comfortable with writing smut and stuff so, expect that later B)
possible warning, ig? there's is a masturbation scene later on, but you don't have to read it if you don't wanna.

It felt like days going by, but when Tanner came back up the attic, according to him it was only the afternoon. He came up here with no motive nor food, though you weren't hungry anyway. Tanner sat down opposite you, gazing at your tired, messy hair that lay next to your ears. He bit his lip, seemingly zoning out at how beautiful you looked to him. His dark brown eyes looking at your every breath made you overwhelmingly uncomfortable, which only seemed to get a bigger grin out of him.

"You still haven't told me why you're doing this to me." You said, breaking the silence. Tanner blinked a few times and sat up, his eyes still locked on you. "But I have!" He chirped, "to look after you! Didn't I tell you that?" You rolled your eyes.

"But... I can look after myself. Why ME? You couldn't have picked someone who's actually helpless..? Or... no one at all?" You said with a small snarl, "You're a creep." Tanner chuckled at your final comment, "how cute..." he muttered under his breath. He stood up making his way over to you, waltzing up behind you and putting his hands on your shoulders. "I don't know if you know this, Young (Y/N)... but I've been watching you for a while. A looonngg... loooong time... I watch how you function everyday. I've stalked a lot of people and I know a lonely person when I see one." He cooed next to you, a shudder running down your spine. You snarled,

"You could've approached me in public, like a normal person! You didn't have to kidnap me!" Tanner's hand made it's way from your shoulder down to your collarbone, stroking it softly. "Tsk tsk tsk, what's the fun in that?" He asked a seemingly rhetorical question. You sighed softly, turning your head to the side to face the man next to you. Tanner had a grin on his face, actually, when did he not have some kind of smile on his face?

"Well, you're not going to get me to like you when I don't know a thing about you." You said softly to him. Tanner's hand trailed a little further down your chest before sighing and standing up, walking back to where he was sitting before. "You're right." Tanner said, taking a seat and crossing his legs.

"My full name is Tanner Grayton-" He started, but cut himself off with a little snicker and him mumbling something to himself. You only managed to make out "which will... you (mr/mrs/mx)... soon...", but it could've been something else. He straightened himself up and continued, "and I work for a man named Adam." Your brow furrowed, what kind of information was that? "You might know Adam, since he is my boss. He's also... The Breather's boss... The Noir's... You've heard of them, right?" Those names rung a bell, they were in the news once, and were wanted murderers.

"So you're... a murderer?" You asked, "Technically, yea. Don't worry, I won't hurt you, though." He replied with a wink. Tanner could've been lying, but you had no idea. Half an hour passed, you had asked Tanner a bunch of questions, knowing small things about him, like him being a smoker and how he's interested in medicine. You would've been flattered if he hadn't tied you to a chair. Eventually the conversation died down and you had nothing more to ask, at least not at that moment. Tanner stood up and walked behind you.

"I hope I can trust you enough to do this..." he mumbled under his breath, cutting the zip ties with a knife he had in his pocket. Your now free hands rushed to your face, scratching it from it being itchy from how dusty it was in your attic. Tanner smiled, seeing you not even attempt to attack him brought his mood up further than it was before from hearing you talk. "Bed time." He cooed, his hand reaching to some hair strands that covered your face, moving them out of the way. "Good night, my sweet (Y/N)." He said, standing up and leaving the attic, locking it behind him.

You weren't stupid, you didn't attack him because you wanted him to trust you. You were gonna wait till the perfect time before hurting him, like how he hurt you. At least he undid your zip ties, which is the least he could do. Standing up hurt, your legs pretty much crunched as you walked around. A box in the corner of the attic caught your attention. You ran up to it and rummaged through it, finding an old dusty blanket. Sighing, you lay on the cold floor and wrapped yourself in the blanket, feeling warm and comfortable for the first time in days.

((3rd person ig?? Sorry I hate doing this but- no other way to write it))

Tanner exited the attic with a wide smile on his face, his fangs showing. The tent in his pants obviously visible. Tanner looked down at himself, "I hope (Y/N) didn't see you.." he said with a giggle. All Tanner wanted was (Y/N), but he knew he had to wait for the perfect moment for it to happen. (Y/N) was a fighter, maybe not literally but (Y/N) was strong. It had only been a few days and Tanner couldn't wait anymore. He walked over to (Y/N)'s room silently, not that they'd know anyway.

Tanner took a minute to find their wardrobe, rummaging through it to find something... his eyes lit up like a child when he found what he wanted, a pair of (Y/N)'s underwear.. His eyes still fixated on it, he knelt down next to (Y/N)'s bed. He held it in his hand, his other hand undoing his belt. When he undid his zipper, he slid the cloth into his pants, wrapping it over the shaft of his already hard dick. He started stroking himself, first softly but then harder and harder. He looked down at himself, pretending that his hand was (Y/N) made him pick up his pace. Tanner groaned softly, the thought of (Y/N) weeping in pleasure from his cock made him so overwhelmed to the point where he almost started tearing up. He finally felt his release wash over him, his cum spewing out and coating the inside of his pants, and all over (Y/N)'s underwear as well. He took a minute to gain his calm composer again, eventually removing the cloth from his pants and placing it in a nearby washing basket.

He'd just have to wait till the real thing, he told himself again. It would be soon.

more notes:
honestly tanner using (y/n)'s underwear on himself is so overused but i love it, so i hope you don't mind >:)
got another idea for the next chapter so that might be up tomorrow

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