Part 8: The Second Letter

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I finished up my laundry and headed back to my apartment. I had almost completely stopped thinking about Kirishima and our slightly awkward conversation, and was back to being mad at Kaminari. Stupid boys...

I placed my basket down outside of my door and slotted my key into my door. As I opened it, I heard a soft crinkle like paper being rumpled. I frowned and stepped inside, peering behind the door. Just on the other side of the door was a yellow envelope with my name written in familiar writing. 

My eyes widened as I suddenly remembered the anonymous note that had dropped in front of me a few weeks ago. My cheeks turned hot at the memory. Your voice is beautiful <3, is what it had said, along with a quote from a song that I had been caught singing. 

For a moment, a wave of anger rushed over me. Having just met Kirishima, it seemed as though he was the one behind these little notes. I thought back to his awkward smile, and my anger subsided. What was the harm in seeing what this letter said?

I carefully opened the envelope and unfolded the piece of lined paper inside.

"Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue, 
I'm terrible at poems, 
I want to spend more precious moments with you.

I frowned at the pathetic poem for a moment, confused about whether this was a joke, or if it was sincere. 

I rolled my eyes, crumpled the piece of paper up in my hands and threw it across the room in annoyance. Kirishima had a lot of nerve after I had only just met him. 

I brought my laundry in and put my clothes away. Once I was done with that, I binged a new show on Netflix. By the time I looked up from my screen, bleary-eyed and confused by the dark sky outside my windows, I figured I should get ready for bed. 

As I stood up and moved towards my bedroom, I saw the love letter crumpled up in the corner of the living room. I can't describe the emotion exactly, but my chest tightened and I gently picked the letter up off the ground, smoothing out the wrinkles. I read it over one more time and sighed.

I tucked myself into bed, folding the letter neatly and putting it on my bedside table. As I drifted off into a deep sleep, my mind kept imagining Kaminari laughing and sarcastically singing the poem to me. I smiled as I pictured him, goofy smile and all, telling me that he liked me.

Needless to say, I dreamt about that infuriating blonde smart ass that night, even if the letter wasn't from him.

Denki Kaminari X Reader // Love LettersWhere stories live. Discover now