Much needed help!

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Hey everyone! This book will consist of reviews on books that have not been noticed.

Anyone is welcome to enter. All you need to do is comment here or PM on this account.

You comment the name of your book and your username and I'll read your story and write a short review on it.


This is a form for comments!
Book title:
Why you decided to write this story? What inspired it?


After I'll post the review in this book with your username and recommend why your story should be read.

This is to help you get reads and support your story and hard work. It's also to show people how much work goes into these stories that are unappreciated.

Everyone has their own talented way of thinking and writing.

Now that we know what it's all about please leave a comment or PM if you want me to read your story and review it.

Also with that you get a permanent follow from this account and stella200203.

Both account's will also vote on the story entered and a shout-out to your story will be posted on my board.

Please give this a try!!! I'm supper excited to help people out with their works and can't wait for the entries...

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