Lost on the sea

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We were on a yacht when suddenly it crashed on something "woah- what that" I said "the yacht crashed on something, you guys need to leave" Mari said "au-auntie c-can I stay h-here?" I asked "here at the yacht?" "N-no, to stay with the both of you..." "sorry but you, Ayumu and go needs to leave, but I'll promise that I'll recover your wound" "thanks" I said
"Wait- y/n I want to tell you something" koga said "what is it" "I love you..." "I-I love you too koga, see you guys" I waved


I watched Ayumu and go sleep while I see the old man opening the tent "hey sir- why did you open- OH MY GOD" the man is dead while I see the seagulls eat him, I was in shock that I passed out,
We all woke up to see the man half eaten by the seagulls "o-oh god" ayumu said, the man was taken by a sharK


Me, Ayumu and go ate some food that go saved "mm, the chocolate bar taste good, wanna try y/n?"Ayumu asked "No thanks, I'm not really fan of chocolates" "understandable", as they ate I felt something sinking... I looked down and everyone panicked...
The tent was sinking

[I like you] haruo koga x reader [old]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ