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"Finally, the school is over! It was so boring that I'd rather clean my room than going to the place where that you have to do all exams, tests and get overstressed!" I mourned to myself then let myself fall on the bed as the heavy exhalation left my mouth.

Thankfully, today was Friday, so I could relax for myself while my parents were off to work.

Swiftly the familiar ding was heard from my device. I seized my mobile to open the password to see an odd icon's notifications for being installation completed.

My brows furrowed, I unlocked the password, then I skimmed the page to find the new app titled "Gamenime".

'Huh?' I questioned it to myself as my thumb pressed on the image, 'I didn't download that sketchy app... I'm going to uninstall it.'

Abruptly the phone hummed, not allowing me to uninstall the app, puzzling and frightening me a bit.

'What?! Why won't it delete?! Stupid ass phone! Why is it even called "smartphone"?!' I intellectually insulted on the phone.

'I'm going to research that app first, then maybe search on how to delete it!' I challenged myself then went on the search engine. I typed on it with its name.

The search went in, and it loaded very gradually, the part I most scorned.

'Come on!' I whined at the pace of the internet.

'Alright, next question then, Google. How to delete the app that cannot be deleted on the [ the type of the phone that you use ]?' After typing it.

The page loaded at the excellent speed, which baffled me since I tried to look up the peculiar app on my device.

'Settings then... okay, I guess I got it. But let me try it again what "Gamenime" is.' I settled then I tapped at the bar of the search I have looked up, I re-typed in it that was just one word.

The page didn't load in again as I waited patiently for a minute, but to the setback, it didn't.

'Well, screw you weird app then. I'm going to try to delete your precious creation that I didn't even ask for.' After that, I went to settings, as I followed every step precisely what was said to be done from the YouTube tutorial video.

And the result was very not foreseen.

The app didn't even fricking budge to go in the garbage! I was getting a bit more frustrated then I gave up on trying to erase the app.

'Well, what if I ask my parents to get me the new phone? But what if my parents say that they're not going to get me one? I mean, we're not rich, so...' I consulted with myself, morosely envisioning to ask my parents but decided to go against it to not to upset them.

'Okay, I will try that app out. Relax.' I forced myself then touched the picture of the app.

The app inaugurated with the loading view, titling it "Escorting the characters in their shows . . ." sequentially, it didn't take it as long as I presumed.

The style was modern and very inexplicably comfortable, the capitalized words in nice futuristic fonts, and the dark colors that were uniquely suited.

The numerous headlines and posters of the cartoonish characters were being displayed in the pictures.

The first picture I saw with the name was...

"Naruto?" I asked dumbly, and then there were others.

The screen became a bit more nebulous as the text showed up on it as I read.

"Select a show, and the app will be directly downloaded in your phone before Gamenime gets uninstalled."

After reading it, the text evaporated, accessing me to analyze the sight in my view.

One Piece, Tokyo Ghoul, Seven Deadly Sins, Attack On The Titan, Assassination ClassroomHunter X Hunter, Fairy Tail, One-Punch Man, Bleach, Shokugeki no Souma, ...

And so on, many lists were carrying on the infinite of scrolling. Subsequently, my eyes connected the young middle schooler boy who was broadly smiling as he held his schoolbag with the blonde-haired buffy male's face and had a couple horns next to the student.

"My Hero Academia" was marked on the top of the portrait. I shrugged off, giving it a chance then chose it.

The screen glitched then shut down. The phone was deliberately overheating, attaching it with my palm. I instantly set it on my bed in the hope it would cool down.

Being dumbfounded about what was going on, the noise of an uncanny sound was discovered outside of my room.

'Woah! Very spooky!' I sarcastically blanketed my mouth with my hand as I glimpsed at my closed door then scrutinized at my overheated phone after the sound ceased.

I then touched my phone to open it then saw the "Gamenime" was gone, a possible replacement app of the app that I have selected a show from.

The icon of the app was similar to the poster I have seen on the different app. I assumed I selected it, so the odd "Gamenime" app got deleted after installing the show on my phone.

I wondered myself, what the hell have I gotten myself into?


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