Chapter Five

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After that things got a bit awkward between us, so I just left in a haste. I flopped down on the couch with my feet up when I got home, I picked the remote up and flipped through the channels looking for something to watch.

"Okay, I'll tell her. Would you relax?" Cami walked into the living room with her phone to her ear, "love you too" she then cut the call and stood in front of the TV. "Rom said he spoke to you today" she said, "yeah" I said not knowing what else to say.

"He said Erick spoke to you too?" She asked, "barley. I just missed him" I said tears threatening to fall again. "Oh honey" she said and sat next to me as I sat up, "Rom said his battery died and he's so sorry" she said rubbing my arm comfortingly. "It's okay, at least I know they're still alive" I said and stood up, "I'm gonna go get ready for dinner" I said and walked into my room.

I had a quick shower and got ready trying to distract myself from my thoughts. I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a gold strappy top, I pulled on my black pep-toe heels and curled my hair before doing my makeup.

"You ready?" I asked walking out of my room, "vavavoom! Who are you trying to impress?" Cami asked walking around me. She wore a black dress that came mid tigh that was sleeveless with a round neck line, her hair was in a side braide, she finished her look with black lacey heels.

"Myself" I said rolling my eyes at her. We got in my car and drive to the restaurant, that was located on the beach. We entered and Stella motioned for us, she and Nick had gotten a table on the patio that over looked the ocean.

"Hey" she greeted, conveniently Cami took the seat next to Stella, that meant I had to sit next to Nick. It was fine since he and I became some what friends, but I was a little mad at Cami for doing that even though she knew what happened today.

"Let's order I'm starving" Stella said and motioned a waiter over. The night was very relaxed, with some good food and drinks. Light conversation settled at the table, Stella and Nick told us about their childhood and how they grew up, all the pranks they would play on each other.

I found myself laughing even if I didn't want to, Nick had managed to lift my mood. "So Nick I've been meaning to ask you" Stella said before taking a sip of wine, "when is our party animal cousin coming to town?" She asked. "Um...well I spoke to him today and he said before the end of the week. I have a lot of work to do if I want to make the trip here worthwhile" he repiled.

"Party animal cousin?" Cami asked looking between the two of them, "yeah my cousin works with me and is like my right hand man. If I'm not around he's the one who takes over" Nick explained. "Mmm who knows maybe we can set the two of you up" Stella teased dumping Cami's shoulder.

"No thanks, I already have a boyfriend who loves me very much thank you" she said, "What is it with all these Miami girls and already having boyfriends?" Nick asked. When I looked up I saw that he was looking at me, "Don't worry Nick it's not all of us" Stella said trying to get rid of the awkwardness.

It was getting late and empty desert plates sat in front of us. "Seriously? She really did that to you?" Nick laughed looking at Cami. "Yeah walked right passed me" Cami nodded, "well it wasn't my fault. She was a crying mess and people where giving us weird looks" I said defending myself.

"I can't believe you just left her crying like that in the mall" Stella laughed. Just then my phone started to ring, "Excuse me" I got up and pulled the phone out of my purse. "Hello?" I answered sobering up from laughing.

I walked to the end of the patio and watched as the sun kissed the sea as it set. "Hey Lexi girl" a husky voice said, I froze. "Erick?" I asked in disbelief, "w-what how?" I had no words. I haven't spoken to him in months what do I ask him? What do I say to him?

"How you doing?" He asked, "I'm-I'm good and you?" I asked still trying to wrap my head around what was happening. "I'm good. Listen Lex I'm sorry things have been so crazy lately, but I promise it's going to be so worth it in the end" he said. "You said that the last time Erick" I said my voice cracking at the end, "I know baby. I know and I'm sorry but I promise just a little more. I'll come see you soon" he said.

"Erick I-I'm not sure I can wait anymore" my chest hurt as I said this, I turned and looked back at the table. Thankfully everyone was too busy talking to notice my heart breaking.

"No. Alex please don't say that. I know you're mad and I know I've made a lot of promises, but I'm going to keep all of them. Don't give up on us, please" he begged he sounded hurt.

"Goodbye Erick" I said and ended the call, I hadn't noticed the tears falling until now. I let out a sob, when I turned strong arms wrapped around me, and I didn't care I just held on to them and sobbed.

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