My Confession

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Dear love,                                                                                       
The feeling I'm feeling now,
I have no idea what it is.
My heart flutters whenever I see you,
I feel giddy whenever I hear you,
Butterflies fly in my stomach,
And my heart always yearns for you.
The gap between us is impossible to fill,
I know that I could never have you for me.
You belong to everyone,
You are the impossible in my ordinary life.
You are thirty two, while I'm nineteen.
You are in shape, while I'm fat.
You are milky white, while I'm dark.
In your world, you never know I even exist.
But, in a small corner of my yearning heart,
I still hope for the impossible.
I know it's my stupidity, but I can't help it.
I want give you my everything,
Even though I won't get anything.
I want to see you smile,
Your whole world shining bright.
As the saying goes,
"All I can offer is my heart,
Catch it if you want, throw it if you don't."
I will always love you,
I will always belong to you,
Even though you don't.

"Loving someone does not mean that they should be with you, it simply means that you should always be able feel happy, seeing them happy."

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