Scream My Name

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A/N: Pfffft, it has been forever~ I am trying to write stuff, I promise~ Blame X_Canabalistic_X for making me write xD this sucks, I know~ Oh well~! THIS SHALL BE MULTICHAPPIE.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Hetalia, okay? Any other disclaimers will be at the end~


  Her pale white skin chilled in the December breeze of the small New York town. Finally, she was on her way. After a long tour with her father and band across the world, Madelines father finally told her of where her twin brother and mother were settled. It had been 9 years since she has saw them. 9 years since their parents got devorced. 


  Tears stained the twin children as they were pulled apart. Alfred waved sadly at his little sister (only by 7 minutes, but still) whom he cared for dearly. They had never been separated. Never. They were closer than 2 embryos. (( A/N: I know, weird~ xDD )) Madeline called out for her beloved brother. Francis, their father, held the squirming child in his arms as he put her in the carseat. Her squirming stopped when Alfred had walked over and handed Madeline a stuffed polar bear. It was just the right size for her to hold in her arms.

  Another tear rolled down her cheek as he hugged her gently. Her small arms wrapped around him in return before Francis instructed Alfred to go back into the house, where their mother stood, looking out the window with a small hankercheif in hand. Vanessa, the mother, took a shaky breath as she took Alfred into her arms. Alfred waved weakly at the now retreating car. Madeline waved back shyly as she pushed her glasses up her small face. 

  The next thing the little girl knew, was that they were living the rest of their lives in Canada. Well, until recently. Vanessa had contacted Madeline through the internet. At first, Madeline thought it was too good to be true, then Vanessa and Madeline started to Skype (c) eachother. She couldnt believe how her mother looked the same, but she had still not known how Alfred had turned out. Madeline decided to come, to reunite with her brother. He still wasnt aware of her coming. He wasnt aware of  their mother and Madelines conversations either. 


  Her eyes darted around in curiosity as she continued down the pleasent sidewalk. 198 Maple Street, Visgrove Gardens, Madeline recited in her head as she looked over the small slip of paper. She looked around once more before entering the neighborhood that looked all too familiar. After walking for a few minutes on the main road, she came to a two storey house, very quaint and nice. Madeline walked up the winding driveway to the front door, gripping her bag tightly in her hand. 

  A snow white hand raised and knocked gently onto the mahogeny door, then laid back on top of her bag. There was a clatter in the house, then the door opened to a woman whom looked like she was in her late 30's. A warm smile was stitched on her face, then her eyes widened when her eyes laid upon the small, 16 year old infront of her. The womans arms wrapped around Madeline, as well as vice-versa, in an embrace. "My baby giiiiiirl~!" the lady cried out, burrying her face in Madelines wavy, golden hair. "I am home, Maman..." Madeline whispered as she smiled softly, her violet eyes glowing.

A/N: Spoiler, this is a kinda Depressed!Madeline X Player!Gilbert . YOU THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA BE AMECAN, DIDNT YOU? Heh, teaaaased ya!~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2012 ⏰

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