Part 1

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Narrator: In this episode of Saiyan ball super, a fight between two universes start, from the universe 7, two saiyan representing, are Arikato and meikashi fighting the universe 6 saiyans Caulifla and Kale, the clash between saiyan starts today

Arikato: Man those two saiyans are tougher than we thought

Meikashi: you think we should transform yet or do we save it

Arikato: desperate times call for desperate measures, let's do it

*transforms into a Super Saiyan

Meikashi: finally

*transforms into a Super saiyan as well*

Caulifla: 4 can play that game, let's transform Kale

*both transform into a super saiyan*

Arikato: who knew there we such amazing fighters in the universe

Meikashi: fuck that

*transforms to a super saiyan 3

Arikato: ok let's do this

*transforms into super saiyan 3

Caulifla: woah yall can transform to super saiyan 3 also?!?

Meikashi: damn i forgot how this form felt

Caulifla: I thought only that old man could transform into that

Meikashi: well you were wrong

Arikato: let's end this quick Meikashi

Meikashi: right

*Meikashi get into his form*

Arikato: let's do it

Arikato: Reaper...

Meikashi: Blade....

Together: Attack

Kale and Caulifla: aaaahhhh

*both are knocked out of the ring

Meikashi: looks like we win Kato

Arikato: yea

Announcer: with Kale and Caulifla out of the ring Arikato and Meikashi win, Universe 7 wins

Caulifla: dammit these bastards win...this'll be the last day they mock me

Meikashi: *smirks* hey don't drag your self down if u cant beat that old man you stand no chance against us

Caulifla: why you little....

Kale: Caulifla

Kale: Caulifla please calm down

Caulifla: lemme talk to these bastards real quick

Meikashi: *laughs* lets get out of here bro

Kale: Be careful Caulifla

Caulifla: hey you two...

Meikashi: hmmm

Arikato: huh

Caulifla: Come to my place to want to do a special sparring session with you two

Meikashi: uhhh *looks at Arikato* Kato what do you think

Arikato: let's do it if we want to get stronger

Meikashi: Fine ok we'll go with you

Caulifla: ok come with me


*follows Caulifla

*Meikashi walks next to her

Meikashi: so whats your name

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