Chapter Three - Hallucination?

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I was running down the hall, my heart pounding, when I got grabbed by two men. The leader of this cult came toward me and aimed his gun at my forehead, I gasped as I heard the metallic click of the gun being cocked and I struggled in my captors hold when he pulled the trigger and I saw the smoke escaping at the end of the barrel and the bullet released, coming towards me.

"Maeve? Maeve! Wake up, kiddo your safe, your home." A familiar voice spoke, shaking me. I shot up in a sitting position, looking around, panting. My breathing eventually came to a more steady pace when I realized I was in my room, in my bed. How did I get here? I looked to my side to see my dad leaning over me.

"Dad? W-what happened? How did I get here?" I questioned. The last thing I remembered was nearly being shot in the head and running for my life, and that's when things got hazy. My energy felt like someone had drained it all at once and I was lying on the ground and I wasn't sure if my mind was seeing things, but I swore someone was standing over me.

"Well, I was hoping you could tell me Maeve." I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Hogan and I found you a couple blocks away from Chloe's, passed out in an ally." He told me, while staring at me with concerned eyes.

"What?" I muttered lowly to myself in particular. My forehead creased slightly, and I glanced at the floor, trying to recall how I ended up in an alleyway just a few blocks away from my friend's place. "Dad, that's not what happened. They kidnapped me."

"Kidnapped by who?" Tony questioned.

"I-I don't know. They didn't say. They thought I knew the whereabouts of this cube thing. They were also speaking a language I didn't understand. Russian or German, maybe? Then they put me in this weird machine." I explained. I felt like I was forgetting something, but my brain still felt hazy from last night. I looked up from the floor at my dad and he was looking at me confused. Like I made this up or something.

"Maeve, after we found you. I took you to the hospital, and the doctors found alcohol in your system, over the legal limit I might add." He informed me.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, it's possible you hallucinated this whole kidnapping thing." Tony pressed. I narrowed my eyes at my dad. He didn't believe me.

"Dad, look at my arms! I'm not making this up. They strapped me down to a chair. The cuts on my cheek are from one of them punching me, and these cuts all over my arms I got when I tried to escape." I yelled at him. He looked at my arms, they were minor cuts and bruises forming. He shifted his eyes back to me.

"Kiddo... you had a lot to drink last night. We found you passed out in an alley. It's more than likely you got those from stumbling in the dark."

"You don't believe me?" I said, my voice cracking at the end.

"To be honest, Maeve, I'm a little disappointed. I expected better from you. I didn't think I would have to worry about you following in my partying footsteps, but apparently I was wrong." Tony scolded.

"But dad-"

My dad shook his head. "I've heard enough, Maeve. Get some rest. I already informed the school you won't be in today." I watched my dad push himself off the chair and walk towards the door.

"Why won't you believe me!" I shouted angrily at him. Suddenly the light bulb in my lamp on my nightstand sparked and shattered into tiny pieces. I shrieked, covering my face.

"What was that?"

"I don't know. It wasn't me. It just... broke." I stuttered in frustration. My dad looked confused and came over to my nightstand and looked at the plugin.

"Well, no wonder it sparked its overheating." My dad determined, unplugging the object from the wall. "I'll make sure it's fixed tomorrow when you go to school. Now get some rest." I laid back flat on my bed, glaring at the ceiling. My dad opened up the door and shut it halfway when he poked his head back in. "Love you kiddo."

"Love you too, dad." I said back to him, still scowling at my white ceiling. I heard my door shut and I let out an enormous sigh. How could my dad not believe me? I wasn't making this up. Or was I? Did I hallucinate that badly? Was that my dad or possibly Hogan standing over me before I passed out? Now I wasn't sure anymore. I didn't see the figure clearly to know if it was my dad or not?

All this doubting was giving me a bigger headache than I already had. I fluffed my pillows and tried to get comfy. I went from my back to my side. My mind was too focused on trying to figure out if everything I saw was real or not? Did Jason put something in my drink that was untraceable? Now I was getting too hot. I pushed my blankets halfway's off of me. I would not get any sleep with my brain being this wired.

I climbed off my bed and headed for my bathroom. I turned the light on and closed the door partly. I planted both my hands on the counter and looked in the mirror. I saw the few cuts and bruises on my face. I couldn't have gotten these from just falling in the streets? I turned the tap on cold and splashed my face a few times with cold water. None of this made any sense. I should have just stayed home. If I would have stayed home I would be at school right now listening to Chloe boast about how I missed another one of her epic Halloween parties.

Knowing I wouldn't get any answers today in my state. I opened up the medicine cabinet and looked for something to put me to sleep. After shoving and checking different pill bottles, I finally found some Melatonin. I slammed the cabinet doors. A little harder than I intended to and twisted the bottle cap off. Tipping the container slightly, I dumped two small pills into my palm. I grabbed my cup I keep by the sink and filled it halfway full of water. I plopped the two caplets in my mouth, along with some water, and tilted my head back and swallowed.

I dumped the remaining water in the sink and placed the cup back by the tap. I reached with my middle and index finger for the light switch and turned it off and walked back over to my bed. I crawled underneath my covers, lying on my side, and closed my eyes, falling asleep soon after that.

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