Prologue~And So They Thought

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Cobalt Star was well known amongst Star Haven as being the most powerful sage, as well as being the oldest star sage alive. They were praised far and wide, despite not many knowing who exactly they were.

Despite not being attached to Star Haven as much as they wanted and in general despising the council system their late friend had set up, the star sage did find themselves communicating with the council often, whether it be discussing prophecies, making sure all the stars were healthy and making sure nothing was putting the lives of everyone in jeopardy.

Two things that they kept to themselves, however, was a book and a blade.

Cobalt Star sighed, hands gently running over the cover of the ancient book. Their eyes gazed outside the window, looking down at the beautiful star-filled lands of Star Haven below.

They felt the engravings on the old leather book, gently opening the cover, looking down at the book in their hands.

They let in a deep breath, reading the messily scrawled cursive on the thick papyrus. They made sure to be careful while they flipped through the pages, trying not to tear the relatively fragile papyrus paper that made up one-third of the pages.

They flipped through the pages, making their way to the back of the book. They already knew the contents of the pages, hell, they could likely recite the first pages entirely from memory due to the number of times they read the ancient novel.

Despite their knowledge of the book, they still wanted to make sure the words seared in their brain were still there...

Maybe the words are gone. They thought to themselves. Maybe I was imagining it... It cannot be true... Not now.

Alas, they were proven wrong as they found themselves on the last written page, eyes scanning the paper and finding the familiar dark blue words written on the page, seemingly written in a frenzy.

'The queen is dead and the king is going insane. I will be surprised if we live through these dark times.

I am about to lead my platoon into the first battle... Hopefully, we can weaken the thing and the king can seal it away... But I worry... The king losing his partner has shaken him up severally... He may not be able to successfully seal the monstrosity away.

Even then, how many lives will be lost weakening it? Will the seal hold forever? What will happen with all the light magic that has been released from the queen's death? Will the king live, and move on?

Is this really the end...?

I hope dearly that the world lives on, and as grim as things look at the current moment, I believe soon this will be over, but I don't believe this will be the last time the world is in peril.

In this upcoming battle, I'll likely die, but I'd like to write down the last prophecy the queen has spoken to me and me exclusively,

"The day the moon fails to fall,

A corrupted being will try to plague the world in darkness.

Although this is the least of your worries,

I'd suggest you deal with it in a hurry.

With the curse of darkness and incarnation of light and the help of heroes, hidden and in sight,

Find the artifacts, protect the dark and light.

With the world safe, head off to the Hidden Sea and raise the castle hidden in its depths.

Prepare to fight for the world against the greatest threat of them all

Not of light and dark,

but nothing at all."

I am not aware fully what the prophecy is implying or when it will become relevant, but I do fear the worst for my ancestors.

Long in the past, I've put a seal of preservation on this book, as to keep it intact and make it resistant to the consequences of time.

I hope dearly if someone is reading this, they take this prophecy seriously, and I hope the light and the darkness guide your path.'

They stared at the pages before gently shutting the book, hiding it in a box under their bed before looking back outside.

It had been dark for thirty hours, the sun just now rising.

They dug their nails into their palms before making their way to the exit of the room, pushing the door open and shutting it quietly behind them. They made their way down the hall, footsteps silent and aura stifled as they went downstairs. Once they were downstairs they called out to a star sprite carrying a stack of papers.

The dark-hued sprite whipped around, eyes wide as they stuttered out, "A-ah! Mx. Cobalt Star! How can I be of assistance?"

"I need you to fetch Miss Starlow and bring her to my quarters this instant." The star sage turned, about to walk back up the stairs.

"But Mx... What if she..." The star sprite started.

Cobalt Star turned around before calmly saying, "She won't reject if she knows what's good for her. Just say it is my commands and she'll come."

The star sprite nodded. "O-okay Mx!"

Once the star sprite flew off, leaving Cobalt Star alone, they sighed, face dropping and fists unclenching. They wished that their friend was here. She would know what to do... Maybe she'd find a way to avoid this altogether.

They made their way back upstairs, letting out another shaky sigh.

Starlow, my representative, I dearly hope you're ready... For all of our sakes.

If you're not...

We are all doomed.

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