Part 41

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She kept hitting as if she was waiting for me to stand up and start hitting her back. I stead of using her fists she used her palm. I could tell she didn't know how to fight. Then finally I pulled her hair so she could get off me. Once she was off me I pounced on her and started hitting me, but I used my fists. Once I started hitting I remembered all that has happened that's been making me mad. Jonas fighting Brandon, Brandon and his friends jumping Jonas, Johan getting shot by one of Brandon's friend's, and now Brianna calling me an immigrant. I didn't stop until Andrew pulled me off her. When he pulled me off I saw all the damage I did to Brianna's face, she was bleeding from her nose, her eye was swallon. "You and you to my office. NOW!!! Said the principal.

I got suspended for three days and so did Brianna. She was the one who started it I just finished it. After Me. Davis told me my punishment I waited in the office while my mom came to pick me up. I heard him screaming at Brianna just like he did to me. Then I saw my mom stroking into the office. I knew I was in trouble.

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